Super Study God

Chapter 951: Sunset forest!

Su Hang had no choice but to do, "What happened to the sperm sperm, in other words, what is the scorpion sperm?"


Dare to love, after a long time, Suhang still does not know what a scorpion is.

"Shen Zun, panda." Hao Tian also reminded beside his sweating forehead.


Su Hang froze for a moment, turned out to be a panda monster.

"I said you old man, the panda eats bamboo. Who told you to eat humans?" Su Hang was a little angry and wanted to cry. That gadget was a national treasure. He was so disgusted.

"Don't all monsters eat people?" Tao Lao Er said.

"Nonsense, the panda is so cute." Su Hangdao.

"Grandpa, why didn't you play with me..."

At this time, a voice came from the courtyard, and then a three- or four-year-old baby ran out and pounced on Tao Er's body.

"Cute? Cute little fart." Tao's elder cried with a sad face. "You look at it, this is the kind of seed left by the sperm, what looks like a long one."


Everyone looked at the child, fat and chubby, but flesh-skinned, but a bear-like figure grew.

Nor does it mean that the child looks ugly, just a little weird, with a black nose on his chubby face. This is not the point. The point is that the two huge dark circles look quite funny.

This is the legendary hybrid of demon and man? The genes of the sperm sperm are powerful, so it leaves a lot of distinctive features in this child.

The little boy looked timidly at the group of people in front of him. It seemed that he had never seen so many people. He was clutching Tao Lao Er's sleeve tightly with both hands, obviously very scared.

"You see, a good baby, like a bear, what do you think my second son Tao made in my life? I beg you, grandpas, don't harass, give our family a few days of peace Come on." Tao's second son finished, and they threw their heads at the leopard essence.

Seeing that group of goblins, they quickly kowtowed to Tao Lao Er, and the two visits made it look like they were praying.

What's the matter with Nima?

"Tao's second child, don't stop knocking out, call your girlie and ask her wishes." Su Hang was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Tao's second dare not dare not, quickly called the little baby to call someone.


Soon, people came.

To be honest, Su Hang is looking forward to the second daughter Tao Cui, Cui Cui. After all, what can make the scorpion obsessed, it is also quite a bit beautiful.

However, there is a saying, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This Cui Cui, to be honest, looks really a bit sorry, small, dark skin, looks at least 30 years old.

Looking at this posture in front of the door, Cui Cui was obviously a little scared.

Su Hangdao, "Cui Cui, don't be afraid, these people come to pick you up, would you like to go with them?"

"Hmm?" Tao Cuicui froze for a moment, and looked at Su Hang curiously, not knowing who Su Hang was and what identity she was talking to.

"Don't be afraid, despite speaking, I will make the decision for you." Su Hangdao.

Tao Cuicui was a little embarrassed. For a long time, he looked at Tao Erji, who was still kneeling on the ground, and whispered, "I listen to my father."


Su Hang heard this and was unable to vomit.


Su Hang shook his head, the family affairs of other people's family, what an outsider he cares about here, this Tao stubborn, Tao Cuicui's character is so weak, it is simply a combination of iron.

He turned to look at the leopard essence, "Get up, take me to meet the three kings of your house."

Both sides have their own opinions on this matter, and Su Hang is not good at commenting on who is right and who is wrong. If you really want to solve this matter perfectly, you have to bring the parties together.

However, when Su Hang met the three kings in his mouth, it was not just for this matter. It should be known that he came here to find the descendants of the brothers and sisters of the Xu family. Tai Ao asked him to find it. Presumably this The descendants of the Xu brothers and sisters did not live well.

"But this..."

The leopard's hesitant face seemed to be thinking about bringing Tao Cuicui back, "Shangxian, you don't understand, this surname Tao's thought broke the thought of my big king, and actually wanted to marry his wife far away Now, the three great kings of my family got the news, and then we hurriedly called us to rob someone. If we don’t take the people back today, this surnamed Tao would marry his wife when it turns out, how could it be good?"

"Where is there so much nonsense?" At this time, Hao Tian opened his mouth and glared at Tao Er'er. "The matter of marrying a girl is put on hold for a while, and it is not too late to come up with a result."

"How can this be done, the marriage date has already been set, and the sedan chair on the other side will enter the door the day after tomorrow." Tao Lao Er said quickly.

Haotian's eyes glared, "Can't you understand the words? For the time being shelved, if you have two more words, let your head fall to the ground immediately."

The momentum was slightly relaxed, and the second elder Tao was creeping on the ground, trembling, and he didn't dare to talk back.

To deal with this kind of old stubbornness, it is still a barbaric method like Haotian. To say that this second brother Tao is also really annoying. He forcibly dismantled other people’s marriages, and because of his stubbornness, the villagers were not peaceful. At this time, I didn't realize I was at fault.

Su Hang wanted to get him a meal, but he thought about it, but he didn’t blame him. He just wanted to protect his own girl. So, who is right, who can tell?



Sunset in the forest.

Now the people in Taojia Village have another name, called Nightmare Forest. The forest used to be full of light, but now it is extremely dark, because there are monsters in this mountain, and they have been tortured to death in recent years. Had a nightmare.

In the depths of the forest, there is a place called There are two small river ditches crossing out, and where the estuary meets, there is a deep valley.

In the narrow valley mouth, there are two little demon guarding, the valley is a wide flat ground, and there are also many little demon in the practice of holding a gun and a stick.

"The two go to immortal for a while, the little one goes to tell my three kings." After entering the valley, the leopard essence left a word, and hurried to the deep valley.

This place is sullen and smoldering, all of them are terrible, and they are really a demon cave.

The two followed the leopard's footsteps. There was a cave under the mountain wall directly in front of them. The stone door at the entrance was half open. On the stone wall beside the stone door, there seemed to be a few small poems carved on it.

"There are long-lasting feuds, and the river is full of bones and boats;

He used to be a guest in the Shenxiao Pavilion, and the flames of fire were numerous. "

Each word is vigorous and powerful, and it is three points into the stone. If you look closely, it seems to contain infinite morality, and it seems to be able to attract the consciousness of the viewer, and there is a **** battlefield in front of you. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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