Super Study God

Chapter 956: Get back to life!

The three of them walked into the tree cave, and there was another universe in the tree, like a residence.

Down the wooden steps, I don't know how far we have gone. The universe in this cave is really huge, so Su Hang couldn't help but admire it.

In the deep hole, coming to a wooden door, Dachun reached out and pushed the wooden door away, and a few green lights radiated from it.

Su Hang walked in. This was a small room with nothing in it. The only thing was a wooden large flower stand. The flower stand used only soil and no objects.

"This is?" Su Hang looked at Dachun in doubt, and brought himself here to do what he thought there was something beautiful.

Haotian was even more alert, thinking that there was something malicious in this old man named Chun.

Dachun walked to the flower stand and reached out to brush the dirt in the flower stand, "God, look!"

Su Hang walked over and looked at the place pointed by Dachun. I saw that there were one big and one small seed buried in the dirt. The big one was as small as a sesame seed, so if you look carefully, It is easily overlooked.

Both seeds have sprouted, and a trace of tender leaves has grown, but it has not reached the level of breaking the soil. From them, Su Hang can't feel the vitality, and there is no trace. To be precise, this may be just two dead species. Before he broke the ground, he was already dead.

"Is this right?" Hao Tian came over and looked at the two seeds in surprise, as if thinking of something.

Dachun nodded. "That's right, this is the true spirit of the elder brother and the second sister. Under heaven's robbery, the two brothers and sisters fell and returned to their original form, barely covering a trace of the true spirit."

Looking at these two seeds, Su Hang's eyes also lighted up. It seems that Heavenly Dao is not so ruthless, ruthless, and will still be alive with people. As long as there is a trace of the true spirit left, there is a chance to regenerate.

"But this is obviously two dead species, even if the true spirit is transformed, I'm afraid..." Hao Tian said next to him.

This is also a big truth. Although these two seeds have sprouted, they have no vitality, and they are clearly dead.

"Ah!" Dachun sighed for a long time. "Old Decay doesn't know why, but Old Decay believes that as long as he has the heart, it will become a success. Even if it is a dead species, I want him to rise back to life. This retreat, promoted by skill, finally germinated them, and the old believes that in another two hundred years, two thousand years, and 20,000 years, there will eventually be a day for the brother and sister to be reborn."

Dachun said firmly that the two of Suhang couldn't help but feel a little moved. How deep the emotions are, is it worth Dachun to do so.

"You use your skills to promote growth, not to mention consuming your cultivation, what can you do even if you are reborn? After all, it is still a dead thing. These two seeds are completely lifeless, unless you can reverse the world and let them regenerate, but this may be What?" Hao Tian poured a pot of cold water beside him.

Dachun listened, and was silent for a while, pestering his cane, and trembling and kneeling directly in front of Su Hang.

"What are you doing?" Su Hang asked.

Dachun said, "The gods have great powers and there is a way to save my brother and sister. Please ask God to respect the merits of my brother and sister. Give my brother a life!"

After that, he threw his cane and Dachun crawled in front of Su Hang.

Resurrected from death, already dead, how to resurrect? This is against the laws of nature, which are the rules. I am afraid that only the strongest in the heavenly realm may have this ability.

Dachun knows that Su Hang’s status is valuable, and even knows that Su Hang’s deep background, even if Su Hang does not have that ability, as long as Su Hang opens his mouth to Daozu, can these two brothers and sisters be brought back to life?

"You get up before you talk!" Su Hang said, asking him to ask Hongjun, it's basically not realistic. This person, Hongjun, has his own rules for doing things. It is difficult for others to shake. And, now Hongjun If you don’t see him very much, it’s not necessarily if you can enter Zixiao Palace.

Dachun refused to get up, so prostrate on the ground, old tears.

Su Hang has no way to take him. "I have the right to try it. I can't guarantee it."

"Thank you God!" Dachun was overjoyed and greeted Su Hang for another three weeks. Then he stood up with crutches.

Su Hang faced the flower bed, looked at the two seeds in the soil, and gently brushed his hand, a layer of jade-colored energy, like a mist, leached from the palm of Su Hang, slowly toward The two seeds converged and slowly integrated into the seeds.

Haotian and Dachun both looked at this scene with their eyes wide open. Just a light touch, will it work?

Dachun has been here for two hundred years, instilling with a lot of skill, which keeps the seeds from dying and not rot, and also sprouts. Seeing the posture of Su Hang, it is also pouring skills into the seeds, and it is just like this, Can there be miracles?

The next Haotian is also skeptical. He can’t do it by means of resurrection, and he believes that no one can do it under the sky. After all, death is death, even if your soul is still, it is difficult Let the flesh come back to life again, unless it is reincarnated to obtain a new flesh, otherwise it can only be reduced to ghost repair.

Even if it is a zombie, it is the existence of the dead body. Although it acts as usual in a certain sense, it is not a real life.

However, Haotian did not dare to conclude that Su Hang would not work. After all, others were gods. Even if they couldn’t work for a while, he had to tout a few words of his own, so that he would not step down.

It can be said that Haotian is extremely smooth, and it is no wonder that he can be mixed up with his current status.


After waiting for a few minutes, the three people looked at the two seeds so quietly that they didn't dare to blink, looking forward to the miracle.

"Ah? This..."

Suddenly, Dachun's eyes widened, and he looked at the two seeds with a terrible expression on his face.

Hao Tian's complexion also changed, because he also felt that a vitality was gestating among those two dead species.

This is a dead How could it be possible to conceive a birth machine? This is like a student out of nothing, just a miracle.


Two seeds are breathing lightly!


They seemed to hear the faint heartbeat of these two seeds!

Dachun couldn't believe this scene. He had been cultivating for two hundred years, but he couldn't resist Su Hang's soft touch.

The three of them held their breath and did not dare to speak, seeming to be afraid to speak loudly, and startled these two newborn lives.

The two seeds, like two star flames, are very weak. If you don't perceive them carefully, I am afraid no one will realize that these two seeds still have vitality.

The weak vitality seems to be extinguished at any time. After a moment of vitality reappears, it begins to dim again. Dachun is extremely anxious beside him. Finally, the vitality is born. How can he be extinguished? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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