Super Study God

Chapter 981: Sucked again!

"Sovereign, no good, go away."

Haotian shouted and turned to walk, but when he saw Su Hang, he had already ran ten meters away.


The crack in that space is like a giant in time and space. Everything it passes is turned into ashes. The huge vortex suction is generated because of the space leakage. It convolutes everything on the ground crazy into the hole. The sound is strangely loud.

At this moment, Su Hang’s mind is a bit beeping. Space cracks are everywhere in the universe. After all, the universe is not as stable as imagined. Su Hang is also a space power. The aspect is more understandable than others. The universe is like a bubble, some places will be very strong, and some places will be weak. In some places where the walls of the universe are weak, it is easy to form such a space crack.

Although such things as space cracks are very common in the universe, the probability of people encountering them in the vast universe of the universe is absolutely pitiful. Even if one person buys a lottery ticket and wins ten jackpots, It's not always possible to encounter a space crack.

However, this kind of thing that got the first prize than the first prize was actually encountered by Su Hang, and more than once, Su Hang really wanted to beep the dog.

With the protection of Mita last time, Su Hang was able to stay safe. This time, this crack looked even more tyrannical and crazy. He didn't want to provoke, but just wanted to run.

Once the space crack is involved, what kind of consequences will it have? No one can predict it. Its strength is too low, and it will be torn into powder by the tyrannical space energy. There is no corpse. If it is higher, it can be guaranteed. The body is not injured, and it is very likely to be lost in the space wall, or it may be transported to another place, maybe ten meters or hundred meters away, it may be the end of the world, or it may be a heterogeneous space like the motherland. Even, if there is a gap between time and space, it may be lost in the past, present and future.

Suhang does not have the ability to provoke this kind of thing. The only thing it can do is to escape. The self-healing ability of the universe is very strong. Such things as space cracks will not exist for long. As long as you avoid it, you can’t use it for a while. Will recover.

Therefore, after Su Hang recognized this as a crack in space, he immediately ran away. As for Haotian, Su Hang was not worried. Even if this guy was surrounded by a crack in space, it should not be enough to cause him hurt.

However, what frightened Su Hang was that he ran out for more than ten meters, and he felt sucked by a powerful force. The feeling was like a dust under the vacuum cleaner. His body couldn't help himself.


The huge force almost seemed to tear off Su Hang’s flesh. Su Hang’s heart was terrified. He didn’t want to be sucked in by the cracks in the space. He tried hard now to stabilize himself and quit from storage. Here, he took out a spear and slammed it into the soil with his hands clenched tightly, trying to fight the crack in the space.

Beside, Haotian was also attracted, but this guy was in a high state. Although his face was flushed, he could still approach the Suhang step by step, and the sky was covered with dust. Sandstorm.


Finally, he walked up to Su Hang. As soon as Hao Tian opened his mouth, his mouth was deformed by the strong wind, and his mouth was flying all over the sky. He couldn't say a word.


The coat was ripped off.

Haotian immediately turned his head and reached out to grab it. The huge suction force was convoluted and dragged Haotian to glide directly. After a few snorts, Su Hang watched the clothes on Haotian's body being given one piece by the huge suction Pieces off.

The scene was funny, but Su Hang couldn’t laugh because he was already light, the whole person was sucked up and could not stand at all. The whole person was like a banner in the strong wind. If it was not holding the spear, early It has been sucked away.

The space crack was approaching rapidly, and Su Hang was really terrified. If the crack was not close, there would be such a strong suction. If it waited for it to come close, it would have been.

Su Hang wanted to perform escape and escape, but found that it was impossible. His flesh seemed to be torn apart piece by piece.


In the gusty wind, Su Hang sipped, cast the technique of change, changed into a vine-like plant, entangled down the spear, quickly extended into the soil, the root system spread around, and firmly grasped the surrounding Soil layer.

However, in the face of the vast force of nature, everything seems to be in vain. Hao Tian took the initiative to chase into the terrible space crack after the last **** was sucked away by the space crack. Su Hang also It didn't last long, the space crack came close and sucked in most of the mountain, including Suhang, of course.

What a terrible thing!


It took about four or five minutes before the sound of wind and thunder gradually subsided, the whirlpool of madness slowly dissipated, the cracks in space slowly healed, and the sky, which had just seemed like the end of the world, became clear again.

Out of the mountain that disappeared out of thin air, and the surrounding ruins, nothing seemed to happen.


Not long after, a few figures came to the mountain, and saw the broken in front of them, the expressions on their faces were extremely serious.

These are the elders of Yuhuang, Zhuhuang, and Yuzu Tiansu.

Only then did they sense the tremendous changes here, and they came immediately, however, it was still a step late, and everything was over.

"Space crack?" Pig Emperor frowned. "How can this thing appear outside Taikoo City?"

Suzaku's face was sullen, and the remaining space energy in the surrounding space made her feel very uneasy.

"Wanque Lin." For half a day, Suzaku spit out three words.

Pig Wuji was stunned for a Fang Cai Zhuque had already told him that the intersection of Wanquelin space and the space of the universe has entered a period of frequent activeness. A collision occurred in the universe?

"Emperor Pig, you should be able to believe my words now?" Suzaku folded her hands behind her back and looked at Pig Wuji.

Pig Wuji's face was very serious, and he didn't say much.



The words are divided into two ends.

After being sucked into the space crack, Su Hang only felt that the sky was spinning, and the sky was dim. Weak ability, trying to integrate himself with the horrible environment around, this barely guarantees that the body is not bad.

A vast forest, with lush vegetation, towering sky, distant clouds and mist, and aura, is like an original land that has never been developed. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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