Super Study God

Chapter 995: 3 big demon lists!

Zhong Tai, his mouth is really stinky, while showing how knowledgeable he is, he still does not forget to refer to the sarcasm of Sang Xuanhuai who is next to the centipede repairer Wu Jiang.

"What is the spirit demon list?" Hao Tian asked next to him. The things these people were talking to seemed to him to be another world.

Feng Dan's mother looked at Haotian in amazement, "Aren't you a member of the five races? Do you not know what the spirit demon list is?"

"Who told you that we belong to the five races?" Hao Tian replied innocently.

Feng Danniang heard it, and was even more surprised. She always thought that Su Hang and Hao Tian were both among the five ethnic groups, because only those among the five ethnic groups would conspire against Wanquelin.

After staring at the duo for a while, Feng Danniang said, "At the time of the ancient times, among the five clan people, based on the level of the demon talents and the strength of the lineage, they developed three supreme lists, namely the demon list and the demon. The list and the spirit demon list, Luo lists the strongest monsters in the world. The monsters that can make these three lists are all the existence of the competition among the five races."

"Among these three lists, the Heavenly Demon List is the supreme, and there are thirty-six great heavenly monsters, each of which is a supreme wild beast that destroys the heavens and the earth. It is said that if the heavenly demon can be the soul, the heavenly realm can be achieved. It’s almost a nail-cut thing, but even in Taikoo, the thirty-six great demon is only a legendary existence, and the earth demon list is a little bit less, and the seventy-two earth demon list is listed, and the spirit demon list is even second. Three hundred and sixty-five kinds of spirit demon, the difference between these three, although there is only one word, but it is the difference between immortals."

"In addition to these three supreme lists, the five tribes have their own lists. The Zerg has three major insect lists. It contains a variety of talented insects. Zhong Tai’s unicorn fairy soul is listed on the spirit demon list. No. 223, No. 79 Spirit List, Wu Gang's Centipede Soul, ranked No. 257 Spirit List, No. 83 Spirit List."

"How about you, how many places can your power ant insect soul?" Su Hang asked.

After listening to Su Hang's question, Feng Danniang was obviously shocked. Can Su Hang see that her insect soul is King Li?

However, it was relieved to think about it, presumably when she followed them before and saw her demon form.

"Liwang Ant is an archaic spirit worm, ranked 37th in our Zerg prefecture-level list." Next to it, Wu Jiangdao.

It can be seen that the faces of him and Zhong Tai are full of envy, and Feng Danniang's insect soul talent obviously surpasses them a lot.

"Ancestral ancestor, real insect's insect soul golden power king ant, is the 70th place in the Taikoo demon list." Feng Danniang added a sentence beside him.

Although they are all prefecture-level lists, the list in their own family is much worse than that of the five-group supreme list, because the list of this family will only collect the soul of the insects of the family.

Listening to what Feng Danniang said, her talent is not the highest. Although she is also a powerful king ant, she also has a high rank. After all, there are some creatures that are inherently evolutionary.

Feng Danniang's talent for power king ants can dramatically increase the power by 8000 times. If you change it to a real ant, the power of gold power king ants may increase even more.

Su Hang couldn't help but want to see, the mystery of life is really endless.

"Oh, Heavenly Demon List, Earthly Demon List, why is there no **** list?" Hao Tian uttered a sentence next to him. As an apprentice of Taoist ancestor, he thought he knew a lot, and thought that he had gained so much knowledge today.

Su Hang turned his head and gave Haotian a blank look, "If there is a demon list, you will definitely be in the top ten."

"Uh..." Hao Tian sagged and laughed dryly.

There were a few funny smiles on the faces of the three people next to Feng Danniang. Perhaps they also understood what Su Hang said.

"So, you Zerg, there are quite a lot of masters." Su Hang turned to Feng Danniang, intentionally or unintentionally, wanting to explore the reality of Zerg.

Su Hang’s intentions can be seen by anyone with a little brain, and Feng Danniang is also clear. However, she seems to intend to show her background behind, so that the two in front of her are afraid, and there is nothing to hide. the meaning of.

"The five tribes have been separated for a long time and have no contact with each other, but it can be said that only my Zerg tribe has the most people and is the most miscellaneous. Now the Zerg is considered to be a group of thousands of tribes, but among these branches, except for the master led by the patriarch In addition to the ministry, there are five major tribes under the command of the five elders of the Celestial Realm as the Zerg." Feng Dan Niang said.

Five Tianzunjing elders, when they heard this, Su Hang was really surprised. The entire universe universe, registered Tianzunjing masters, but there were only a few dozen or twenty, and even many monks only knew the top ten. Tianzun, I thought that a Zerg could pick out five or six.

Therefore, people can see something that others cannot see in what position and state they are in. The higher the status, the broader the horizon.

But this is enough to see that the Zerg are strong, and the other four are not weak.

The five ancient tribes combined, but it is a terrifying force.

"Listening to you, it seems that you are not united within the Zerg?" Su Hang asked.

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately refuted by Feng Danniang, "No, our Zerg tribes are very united. Although there are often conflicts among the tribes, under the leadership of the patriarch and the five elders, at least, they are very externally united. ."

The corners of Su Hang’s mouth curved a little, “How strong are your patriarchs and the peak of Heavenly Realm?”

"Of course." Feng Danniang is quite proud of himself. "We Zerg, always respect the strong, the patriarch is the Zerg, the strongest. Ten thousand years ago has reached the peak of Heavenly Realm. In addition, in charge of the butterfly The elders in the ministry and the second elders in charge of the armor are all in the existence of the Eighth Grade Tianzun Realm. Although our ancestor Tai Tezhen is a real person, although he only has the realm of the Fourth Grade Realm, he is ranked third by virtue of his talent. ."

"In addition, the four elders of the bee department and the five elders of the frog department are not idle people!" Feng Danniang said, not knowing whether he was bragging.

Haotian on the side had nothing to say at this time.

Regardless of how true or false Feng Danniang said, Su Hang probably had some estimates of this Zerg.

"Apart from your Zerg, are there any ancestors of the five races plotting this Wanquelin?" Su Hang asked.

After listening to this, Feng Danniang looked suspiciously at Su Hang. "Are you really not among the five races?"

Su Hang shrugged. "Indeed, we are not among the five races!"

"How is it possible?" Feng Danniang listened to Su Hang's frankness, but instead he was stupefied. "If you are not among our five races, how would you know our five races?" (To be continued.) Search this site, please search "" or enter the URL :

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