Super Supreme System

Chapter 159: : Tyrant + Hungry Ghost


However, if Yang Chen didn't approach the past, he wouldn't be able to summon the Tyrannical Dragon directly to the nemesis.

Although Yang Chen was able to recover contract monsters into the monster space without restrictions, Yang Chen could not summon them from the monster space without restrictions.

In addition to the environment to be summoned to be suitable for the appearance of contract monsters, there is also a condition, that is, it cannot exceed Yang Chen within ten meters.

Otherwise, Yang Chen only needs to summon the Tyrannical Dragon directly behind the Nemesis, and he can crush it in three or two!


After getting closer, Yang Chen chose to hide, waiting for the nemesis to approach, and then summon the Tyrannical Dragon and the Hungry Licker to suppress each other.

Soon, Yang Chen's figure merged with the surrounding environment and almost disappeared!

Bang bang bang~~~

The Nemesis also stepped on heavy steps, approaching step by step.


When Yang Chen was about 30 meters away, the figure of the Nemesis stopped suddenly, and his eyes scanned back and forth in the direction where Yang Chen was, and finally fixed his position to look directly at Yang Chen!

In the vision of the nemesis, the outline of Yang Chen's half body clearly appeared.

Yang Chen's concealment is not invisibility. Anyone with sharper attention may find it, let alone the nemesis under the running of the program, and hardly miss anything that appears in its field of vision.

[Unidentified object... The threat level is unknown... Remove any unknown threats...]

After the Nemesis discovered Yang Chen again, because he couldn't see through Yang Chen's hidden figure, he couldn't judge the level of Yang Chen's threat, so he prepared to wipe out Yang Chen!

"Damn, it was discovered!"

"Forgot it was scanned directly..."

Yang Chen, who was in hiding, felt bad when he saw the nemesis's figure fixed, and then saw the large-caliber machine gun in the nemesis's hand, slowly raised it and aimed at him, and suddenly cursed.

"Tyrant, come out!"

"Hungry ghost, come out!"

Seeing this situation, Yang Chen didn't dare to be scornful anymore, and instantly summoned the Tyrannical Dragon and the licker Hungry Ghost, and at the same time summoned the Tyrannical Dragon in front of him, blocking the vision of the Nemesis. !




Almost at the moment when the Tyrannical Dragon and the Hungry Ghost Licker appeared, the Nemesis opened fire, and the large-caliber machine gun in his hand shot at the location of Yang Chen.

After seeing the tyrannical dragon and the licker hungry ghost that suddenly appeared, the Nemesis's attack also paused slightly, and then he continued to shoot and shoot, strafing the tyrannical dragon with full force.

Obviously, Nemesis also remembers the threat of the Tyrannical Dragon.

Puff puff puff~~~

In an instant, the tyrannical dragon was hit by bullets, the **** armor on its body was penetrated, and the blood blossoms bloomed!


The tyrannical dragon roared in pain, only because Yang Chen was behind him, so the tyrannical dragon didn't completely avoid it. It just avoided the vital points and resisted all the attacks of the Nemesis.

Fortunately, the Tyrannical Dragon is not within 20 meters of the Nemesis, otherwise it will face the most effective attack of the Nemesis!

"Hungry ghost, come on!"

Yang Chen, who was behind the Tyrannical Dragon, also quickly retreated. While retreating quickly, he also knew the situation of the Tyrannical Dragon. He immediately ordered the licker Hungry Ghost to attack the goddess of nemesis and contain the opponent. !


Whoosh whoosh~~~

After hearing Yang Chen's order, the licker hungry ghost also knew that the current situation was a little endangered to Yang Chen, and when the figure moved, he rushed up to the nemesis from the side.

Faced with the fast approach of the licker hungry ghost, the goddess of vengeance did not dare to let it approach her, and soon moved her muzzle, trying to eliminate the licker hungry ghost first!


Puff puff puff~~~


The licker hungry ghost failed to completely evade the Nemesis’s shooting, and was hit repeatedly on its body, and suddenly screamed again and again. At this time, it did not dare to continue to contain the opponent. If it continued to attract the Nemesis’s attack, it would be killed immediately , It does not have the defensive power of Tyrannosaur.


So after successfully attracting the firepower of the Nemesis, the licker hungry ghost quickly retreated!


On the other side, after discovering that the licker hungry ghost had attracted the firepower of the nemesis, the tyrannical dragon suddenly flashed a fierce light and roared toward the nemesis.

At this time, Yang Chen had already retreated behind a wall, and was well hidden!

Yang Chen then probed into the situation.

Yang Chen believes that the goddess of vengeance will definitely not focus on him at this time!

If it dares to shoot at him, but ignores the Tyrannical Dragon and the Hungry Ghost Licker, it is definitely an act of seeking death.

If it was so, Yang Chen wouldn't mind attracting the firepower of the Nemesis, as long as he was not killed immediately, he still had a healing card anyway!

Of course, Yang Chen also thought about it. He would never do something like letting him actively attract the firepower of the nemesis in the past.

"Tyrant, hungry ghost, it's up to you, crush it for me!"

He didn't dare to go, but Yang Chen ordered the tyrannical dragon and the licker hungry ghost!

If you rely on the Tyrannical Dragon alone, you may not be able to rush to the front of the Nemesis, but if there are lickers and hungry ghosts to pin down, Yang Chen believes that the Tyrannical Dragon still has a chance to rush past.

And as long as the tyrannical dragon rushes over, it is time for the nemesis to die!


Sure enough, the Nemesis didn't dare to let the Tyrannosaurus approach it at all. After seeing the Tyrannosaurus rushing towards it, she immediately put the attack on the Tyrannosaurus again.

"Hungry ghost, come on!"

At this time, Yang Chen didn't care whether the injured licker hungry ghost dared to go up, and quickly ordered it!


The licker hungry ghost didn't dare to disobey Yang Chen's order, even though he was very afraid of the attack on the nemesis, he turned his head and rushed to the nemesis.


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