Super Supreme System

Chapter 199: : Bombard the zombie dinosaur


While all the zombies and dinosaurs were attracted by the tyrannical dragon, Yang Chen quickly pulled Claire Redfield into the center of the dinosaur park.

"What about the tyrant? Is it dangerous?"

Claire Redfield, who was pulled away by Yang Chen, looked at the Tyrannosaurus being surrounded by more and more zombies and dinosaurs, and couldn't help but ask.

In her opinion, the Tyrannosaurus is very powerful, but facing the siege of so many zombies and dinosaurs, it may not be safe and sound.

With so many zombie dinosaurs, even if you can’t kill the Tyrannosaurus, you will surely injure the Tyrannosaurus over time. In that case, the Tyrannosaurus will soon be in danger of being infected?

When the time comes, will the infected zombies and tyrannical dragons still obey Yang Chen's orders?

Probably impossible!

As long as the thought of such a terrifying tyrannosaur, if it turned into a zombie dinosaur, Claire Redfield shuddered, it must be the most terrifying thing.

"Don't worry, the tyrant will be fine. After we go in, I will recall it to the alien space!"

Yang Chen smiled upon hearing this.

Of course he also knew that keeping the Tyrannical Dragon here might be in danger of being injured and infected, but Yang Chen also believed that it was only possible!

Now the defense of the Tyrannosaurus, unless the other Tyrannosaurus on the island is zombie, otherwise it will be difficult to harm the Tyrannosaurus.

Of course, just in case, after entering inside, Yang Chen will definitely recall the Tyrannical Dragon back into the monster space as he said!

"Oh, all right!"

Claire Redfield breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and no longer worried, followed Yang Chen lurking into the center of the Dinosaur Park.

The two were cautious and did not touch the other zombies and dinosaurs, and sneaked into it safely.


However, soon after entering inside, a zombie dinosaur wandering inside that did not go out suddenly spotted the two Yang Chen, and rushed up to the two Yang Chen roaring.

This is a two-meter-high herbivorous dinosaur. Now after being zombie, the blood basin's mouth is also covered with terrifying **** fangs, making it look unusually cruel.


Claire Redfield immediately exclaimed in a low voice, feeling a little at a loss facing the zombie dinosaur in front of him.

If it were the zombies transformed by ordinary humans, she still had the confidence to face it, but she didn't know how to do it when faced with such a terrifying zombie dinosaur.

"Claire, be careful, I'll clean it up!"

Fortunately, Yang Chen didn't let Claire Redfield face such a terrifying zombie dinosaur, and she rushed to the other side.


After rushing to the zombie dinosaur, Yang Chen's sensitive body flashed and avoided the bite of the zombie dinosaur, and then with a side kick, he hit the side of the zombie dinosaur and kicked it out fiercely.

A few hundred catties of zombie dinosaurs were kicked out by Yang Chen, like a ball!


Even if he knew that Yang Chen's skill was very good, Claire Redfield was still surprised to see that zombie dinosaur was bombarded by Yang Chen.

This power is comparable to the tyrannical dragon outside, right?

How did this **** do it? Have such a terrifying power!


It's just that the zombie dinosaur that was bombarded by Yang Chen fell to the ground as if it hadn't received any harm. After standing up, it roared and rushed towards Yang Chen.


Upon seeing this, Yang Chen couldn't help but frown slightly. He had already made a strong shot just now, and he didn't expect to harm the zombie dinosaur.

It seems that the defensive power of the zombie dinosaurs after the zombieization is stronger, it is difficult to harm them without destroying their brains and cervical vertebrae.

Especially Yang Chen felt that if he only attacked the body of a zombie dinosaur, it could be said to have no effect at all!

Faced with this situation, Yang Chen wanted to attack the head of the zombie dinosaur after evading the bite of the zombie dinosaur again, but found that it was not easy to start.

The head of the zombie dinosaur was a little too high, and his fist blasted up, and often facing him was the big mouth full of fangs of the zombie dinosaur.






After a few fierce battles back and forth, Yang Chen could not really hit the zombie dinosaur in front of him.


Yang Chen couldn't help but cursed secretly, if he didn't solve the other party, other zombies and dinosaurs would come up!

"If you can't attack your head, I will break your limbs first!"

Suddenly, a fierce light flashed in Yang Chen's eyes, and he found a way to deal with zombie dinosaurs.


Then, after avoiding the bite of the zombie dinosaur again, Yang Chen landed the attack on the right knee of the zombie dinosaur and slammed.



The effect was obvious. The zombie dinosaur whose right leg was hit hard by Yang Chen immediately lost his balance and his body suddenly fell down.


Without waiting for the opponent to struggle, Yang Chen fiercely pressed the zombie dinosaur's neck and slammed his punch on the back of its head.



Finally, under Yang Chen's heavy fist, the zombie dinosaur was finally violently killed by Yang Chen, and Yang Chen's heavy fist hit the zombie dinosaur's head directly, destroying its brain.


When Yang Chen retracted his right fist, the fists were all red and white, very disgusting.

"Damn it!"

Yang Chen shook his hand and was so disgusted that he had known the fire axe from his inventory.

He just thought it was very handsome to kill dinosaurs with his fists, so he didn't take out the fire axe immediately, but he didn't want to be handsome with his fists, but he got his hands dirty!

"Hurry up!"

But now there was no time to wash his hands, and Yang Chen immediately let Claire Redfield hurry up behind him.

The reason why he was so anxious was because Yang Chen didn't know what was going on with the other Claire on the island. So many people on the island died. Without seeing a single figure, he worried that the woman had also died.

He will be depressed if the spoils are destroyed!


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