Super Swallowing Upgrade

Chapter 302: dagger

With the opening of this sentence, worry-free eyes narrowed, as if he had heard something shocking.

Ye Wan'er on the side also had the same expression, but at the moment Ye Tian didn't stop what he was talking about.

"When I was in a coma for 7 days, I seemed to have come into a world of nothingness and chaos. It was nothingness, without the slightest vitality. In that world, the strength of my whole body was wiped out, as if it were A useless person."

When talking about this, Ye Tian's face suddenly fluctuated for a moment. Obviously, he was very impressed by the situation at the time. The sudden disappearance of the power throughout his body made him very uncomfortable.

The two people on the side also quietly listened to him talking about the next thing.

"That's it for me. I walked forward in a river inside, and soon I saw a picture, as if it was the origin of life in the heavens and the earth, everything is so wonderful, everything is so Is full of charm."

"In there I saw the origin of life, and everything in the world slowly presented everything that they should have started before me."

"All life seems to start from the beginning. I can imagine that scene. I am afraid that the legend at the time is true. The child who suddenly came out at the beginning is probably true."

When speaking of this, Ye Tian seemed to remember the description of the last deepening of the law of heaven and earth in that legend.

"All the laws of this world were evolved by the child at that time. He created everything in the world, created everything, and finally he melted himself between the heavens and the earth and became a law."

When talking about this, Wuyou had already begun to think a little, obviously thinking of other things in that legend.

Seeing Wuyou start to fall into thinking, Ye Tian didn't mean to disturb him. Looking at Ye Wan'er, he suddenly remembered something.

As long as he saw his hand move, a dagger located in a ruin not far away from him instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a silver-white dagger, with less than three feet of silver-white light all over the body, showing off its sharpness as if it had life.

As soon as he grasped his hand, Ye Tian could perceive that the sharpness of this dagger was probably a magic weapon, and he could easily cut the flesh of his body.

You know, since he has gained so many advancements in the laws of life this time, coupled with the purification of the eight or nine profound arts, his current physical abilities are probably much stronger than before, but a dagger gives him the feeling He could easily tear his body apart.

It's better to let him sigh this point, and it really is a magic weapon.

After 8 consecutive days of tribulation, I have suffered so many times, it is not in vain, and it is very good to harvest such a legendary magic weapon.

It's just that he doesn't lack weapons at this moment, his own black dragon sword has already allowed him enough to use the dagger in front of him, and he doesn't like it that much.

After all, it looks like such a small weapon, not very suitable for his wide open and close movements.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but look at Ye Wan'er who was aside. After all, such a small weapon was suitable for girls to defend themselves.

He also pushed the magic weapon in his hand forward, put it in front of Ye Wan'er, and said.

"Wan'er, this magic weapon, just give it to you, it's useless for me to hold the tower, it's just right to give you self-defense."

Seeing the dagger in front of her, Ye Wan'er suddenly stopped. She looked at the sincere Ye Tian in front of her. She was stunned for an instant, but she reacted quickly and quickly pushed the magic soldier in front of her before delaying. .

"No way, no, this magic weapon was forged by you through hard work, and it has been robbed for eight consecutive days. You have been in a coma for 7 days before making such a magic weapon. I am afraid that even the weapons in the weapon sect cannot be matched. He is on par, such a precious gift, how can I say you should take it back."

This dagger is too expensive. After all, Ye Tian suffered several thunder tribulations for it, and only woke up in 7 days and 7 nights.

Even if Ye Tian asked to give it to herself, she would not accept it. It was no longer like an ordinary gift. This gift was too expensive, and she did not dare to accept it.

As for Ye Tian's mind, she already knew it, and it was already the best. Ye Wan'er's face was full of dissatisfaction, she said, "Why are you giving this to me? It's hard work."

"I can't take it," said, pushing the dagger back again. The bursts of aura emanating from the dagger made people feel relaxed and happy. This is more certainly an idea Ye Wan'er could not accept.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "Wan'er, just accept it. This was originally for you, don't be embarrassed."

"Moreover, this is not of much use to me, I made this specially for you." Ye Tian put the exquisite dagger into Ye Wan'er's hand again. Ye Wan'er suddenly felt that the dagger in her hand was extremely hot, and it was hot in her heart. There were ripples in his heart, and the blush on his face made Ye Tian dumbfounded.

"Look at you, I'm not just giving you a dagger, I'm ashamed." Ye Tian scraped Ye Wan'er's cocked nose, and the spoils in his eyes could overflow, really envy others.

"If I give you something more precious in the future, will you have to be all red? You and I don't have to see outside"

"I've given it to you, you just accept it, or else you dislike me" Ye Tian joked.

"Well, I will accept it."

Seeing Ye Tian's appearance, Ye Wan'er was very helpless and had to accept the dagger.

In the vertical day, Ye Tian came to Jia Qingqing's wooden house. Ye Tian pushed open the door and saw the delicate decorations in the house. This wooden house was also exquisite, completely different from those built by others. It can be said to have its own characteristics. Jia Qingqing sat on the couch to practice exercises. Before Ye Tian came to the door, he had noticed that someone was coming. Obviously, there was no malice, so she would not go out to "welcome guests." The moment he opened the door, she already knew who was coming. The confined eyes opened, and a trace of surprise flashed in them. She didn't expect Ye Tian to come, and Jia Qingqing stayed to greet Ye Tian.

"Master, you are finally back, are you doing anything?" Jia Qingqing asked worriedly.

Ye Tian waved his hand and sat down on the couch. "What can I do is you, how is the practice of the exercise I gave you, has it improved in these days when I am away?" Ye Tian turned his head and asked.

"I have already improved a bit, but I think it's still a bit bad"

Jia Qingqing frowned and thought, that the technique has been perfected by her, but her personality made her feel that what she did was not perfect.

"I'll practice it again and show it to you. Look at my shortcomings. Tell me, I can improve," Jia Qingqing said while looking at Ye Tian.

"It's fine, go outside the house"

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