At this time, Li Jiayi stood in front of him with a capable appearance, and did not feel that Liang Chen was here at all.

More than a dozen snatched at Li Jiayi, and in the face of the threat of the leader of the island, Li Jiayi was unmoved.

"Since I can appear here, do you think you still have a chance to escape? In three minutes, the international police will arrive here! Li

Jiayi let out a low roar, directly waking up the women locked in the cage, although they had been injected with drugs and groggy, but the memory in their minds was still very clear.

Looking around, these people are being detained here and subjected to inhuman treatment, and even some are pregnant women, which is simply frustrating.

The women of the cage all groaned and groaned.

"Save me..."

Let me out!" With

a low roar, the leader of the island was unmoved, Li Jiayi was still alone in front of him, and under the threat of so many people, his expression was still full of combat effectiveness.

Through a series of coherent movements just now, Liang Chen concluded that this Li Jiayi must have undergone a lot of training to break free of the thick rope that bound him at such a speed.

But no matter how fast a person is, he can't dodge the speed of the bullet, so Li Jiayi is still in a passive state.

"Hehe, in that case, then these people don't want it, but you definitely won't be able to get out of here, suffer death!" The

leader of the island sneered, and then gave the order, turning around and trying to escape through another passage.


Bang bang bang....

Suddenly, gunshots sounded in the ears, and the entire warehouse became a place where bullets rained, and the people in the cages began to roar loudly like they had lost their souls.

Li Jiayi kept dodging, trying to avoid all the bullets, but where could she dodge a dozen guns.

At the moment when the leader of the island was about to leave the warehouse, a loud noise fell from the sky.

With a sound, everyone's weapons were attracted by a whirlpool, everyone was shocked, how did this happen, and when they looked up, all the weapons were twisted into a hemp rope.

The gate at which the leader of the island was preparing to escape was also tightly closed.

Just when Li Jiayi was surprised, Liang Chen used his improved ability to take away the weapon from the others at a rapid speed and closed the way.

"This... What are you all stunned for, don't you hurry up and catch that woman!" At

this time, the leader of the island was panicked, how could this kind of plot happen in real life, could it be that this woman in front of him was a superman?

But before Li Jiayi's identity was close, everyone only felt a certain part of their body begin to ache violently after a second.

Everyone fell to the ground, the expression on their faces was painful, and there was a tearing cry of pain on their mouths, and the leader of the island was completely panicked.

With a roar, he rushed directly to Li Jiayi.


"Ah, you... What kind of demon magic did you make, why is this happening!"

the leader of the island fell to the ground in response, and at this time his right hand was already in a dislocated state, exactly the same as the symptoms of other big men on the ground, and even the joints of each finger had been dislocated.

Li Jiayi was even more confused, originally wanted to use his own force to temporarily drag these people down, so that the headquarters came to fight them all, but he didn't expect that such a strange thing actually happened.

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