For Xia Yutong's departure, although Liang Chen was a little disappointed, he still didn't pay much attention to it after all.

After all, this girl met with herself, even if she had something hidden in her heart, she probably wouldn't say it to herself.

What's more, in Xia Yutong's eyes, he may be a big parallel product that can only talk about flowers!

Liang Chen had just left the western restaurant, and his mobile phone rang urgently.

The call was from a fat man.

"Hey, I said Brother Chen, although you are rich now, but this class, we still have to go to it, right?" As

soon as the phone was connected, a fat man's voice came from Liang Chen's ears: "Don't you know, you didn't come to work yesterday, Supervisor Xu, that is, Xu Jiechao's father, has been furious, and is saying that he wants to clean you up!

When Liang Chen heard this, he sneered and hung up the phone.

The company where Liang Chen works is not high, and he could only barely make ends meet before.

Since getting the system, Liang Chen didn't have to go to work.

Liang Chen originally thought of going to the company in two days to submit the resignation report, everyone gathered and dispersed, but now he heard that Supervisor Xu was furious, so he decided to go to the company in person.

Of course, if the director of the company was someone else, even if he was angry with Liang Chen, Liang Chen didn't feel anything.

But since this guy is Xu Jiechao's father, he can't blame himself for going to have two moves with him.

The so-called "if there is a father, there must be a son", most of the reason why Xu Jiechao is so arrogant is related to the words and deeds of his father Xu Kun.

Xu Kun has no real skills, is snarky and mean, suppresses colleagues in the company, and is very unpopular.

But because he and his boss were classmates, he sat in the chair of the company's supervisor, and ordinary employees did not dare to offend him easily.

In the past, Xu Kun had repeatedly connived at his son to bully Liang Chen, but at that time, Liang Chen first came to the company and was unable to resist, so he could only let him bully.

But now, since Liang Chen is no longer what he used to be, he should go to this guy to settle the old account!

What's more, even if he didn't go to Xu Kun to settle the account, presumably Xu Kun was unlikely to let him go.

After all, at the last company annual meeting, he slapped his son in the face.

In fact, at the last annual meeting, Xu Kun did not return from a business trip and did not participate. Otherwise, Xu Jiechao would not be so embarrassed.

However, his son was wronged, and according to Xu Kun's temperament, how could he just give up!

After making a good idea, Liang Chen drove directly to the company.


fat man said it was true, Liang Chen had just arrived at the company, and he heard Xu Kun scolding there patting the table.

As for the content of the swearing, there is no need to ask, it is naturally related to Liang Chen.

"What the hell is going on with this person Liang Chen, he doesn't ask for leave, he is absent from work for no reason, does he not want to do it?"

Xu Kun jumped like thunder, pointed at the fat man and scolded angrily, and the outstretched fingertip almost poked the fat man's nose.

"Uh, this... Supervisor Xu, I already called him just now, he will be there soon!" Although

the fat man was also very uncomfortable with Xu Kun, but this guy was in charge, the fat man didn't want to lose his job, so he had to explain forcibly.

"What's called coming right away, I see he doesn't want to do it, you call him immediately, so that he doesn't have to come, hurry up and roll me up and get out!" Xu

Kun became angrier and angrier, and shouted angrily: "In a while, President Wang will accompany President Fang to come to inspect our company, this kid still dares to be absent from work!


fat man was so scolded by Xu Kun that his head almost shrunk into his stomach, but he didn't dare to attack, so he had to take out his mobile phone and plan to call Liang Chen.

"No need to fight, I'm already here!"

the fat man was about to dial the number, but heard a loud voice outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Liang Chen striding in.

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