Super System I Can One-Click Cultivation

Chapter 1186 Zhang Family's internal situation, an abandoned son!

After half a day, after casting the sword city, the mountain pill calamity disappeared, and Luo Chen also ended the pill refining, and took the pill furnace in front of him into the Qiankun ring.

Looking at the pitted ground by the robbery thunder, Luo Chen didn't say much, waiting for Zhang Qingshi to finish adjusting his breath, then the two left the sword city and hurried towards the place where Zhang's family was.

As a large force in the Sword Domain, although the Sword Domain Zhang family’s industry is all over the Sword Domain, it actually occupies a small area. It is just that there is a small area outside Cangxi City not far from the Sword Sect. manor.

After Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi left Zhujian City, they rushed to Cangxi City.

In Cangxi City, Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi were walking on the street. Looking at the bustling streets, Luo Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The influence of the Zhang family seems to be greater than I thought."

There are a lot of Practitioners coming and going on the street, and the breath of those Practitioners is extremely powerful, and few Practitioners under the Martial Venerate Realm appear on the street.

And so many powerful people gathered in Cangxi City, the purpose of which is naturally self-evident.

"No matter how I say it, the Zhang family is also the largest force in the Sword Domain besides the Sword Sect. Naturally, it deserves the attention of the Sword Sect's sword repair."

Zhang Qingshi rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and then said: "Wait for you to let me go to Zhang's house. I am afraid that some people will target you. You can just watch and send them. You don't need to face them."

She is very clear about the situation within the Zhang family. Although the Zhang family is powerful, the family is not a single strand. At least in addition to the faction that she is in, there are two other factions.

Among them, the group headed by Elder has always advocated marrying her to the genius of the Wei family, another big family of Sword Domain, to win over the Wei family!

Now that she brings Luo Chen back to Zhang's house, it will undoubtedly cause Luo Chen to attract the hostility of Elder, so Zhang Qingshi will inform Luo Chen of these things in advance at this time, so as not to worry about Luo Chen.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Luo Chen nodded lightly and said with a smile.

Zhang Qingshi was also relieved when he heard that, since Luo Chen had a bottom in his heart, she didn't need to worry about anything. With Luo Chen's ability, she was completely able to handle these things.

It really doesn't work, what a big deal, she will go off in person as Miss Zhang Jiada, throwing all those tribesmen into the execution hall!

Then Zhang Qingshi and Luo Chen rushed directly to the Zhang Family Manor outside Cangxi City.

There have been long queues outside the Zhang Family Manor. Those are the forces and practitioners who came to worship the birthday. Although the Zhang Family birthday feast was held three days later, there are many forces that are not qualified to participate in the birthday feast at all, so they had to be sent in advance. Shouli intends to use this opportunity to establish a relationship with the Zhang family.

The appearance of Zhang Qingshi undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people. Compared with Zhang Qingshi, Luo Chen, who is holding Zhang Qing’s poetry, has become the focus of everyone’s attention. A lot of eyes that seem to be capable of killing people fall on Luo Chen, and he can’t wait to devour him alive. NS!

Luo Chen seemed to be unaware of the gazes around him, and walked side by side with Zhang Qingshi towards the gate of Zhang's house.

"Big Miss," Zhang's servants saw Zhang Qingshi and quickly respectfully said.

Zhang Qingshi nodded, and walked directly towards Zhang's family with Luo Chen.

"Big Miss, wait a minute," the Zhang family member looked away from the hand held by Zhang Qingshi and Luo Chen, then looked at Luo Chen, and said: "I don't know who your Excellency is. Not everyone in my Zhang family can enter. of!"

Zhang Qingshi's face sank. This person is a supporter of Elder's line, relying on the protection of Elder, but she often stumbles on this line of secrets.

If it were in the past, she would naturally not care, but today she took Luo Chen home and was blocked by a servant. How could this make Zhang Qingshi not angry?

It was just that before Zhang Qingshi had a seizure, he noticed that Luo Chen shook her hand gently, beckoning her to stay safe.

"Xiao Chen?" Zhang Qingshi cast his gaze to Luo Chen, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

She didn't understand why Luo Chen would stop her. She just found a reason to dismiss her, but for Zhang Qingshi, it wasn't a great thing for Zhang Qingshi.

Before the sword bone was repaired, she might still be afraid of Elder, but now, she has long stopped taking the threat of Elder in her heart!

If Elder is honest, she can still forget about the past, but if Elder really doesn't know what is good or bad, she doesn't mind to clean up the Zhang family!

"I'll deal with it," Luo Chen smiled at Zhang Qingshi, then cast his gaze on the Zhang's servant, and flung out a token casually.

"If you want to trouble me, let your master personally come forward," Luo Chen glanced at the Zhang family member and said lightly.

After speaking, Luo Chen directly took Zhang Qingshi's hand into the Zhang family gate.

A player from the Zhang family is nothing more than someone else's pawn, and he can dismiss it at will. If he cares too much, it will lower his own identity and cause people to criticize it.

The token is nailed to the ground like a sharp sword, revealing the scene of the Jianzong Mountain Gate engraved on it, and in the middle of the token, there are three big characters of Elder's order.

Sword Sect Elder Order!

Only the Elder of the Sword Sect, and several Elders with high status in the Sword Sect, can have the token!

The Practitioner, who was originally due to the close relationship between Zhang Qingshi and Luo Chen, shrank his neck when he saw the token.

Such a young Jianzong real power Elder, his identity is ready to be revealed!

Except for the most outstanding genius since the establishment of the Sword Sect, it is absolutely impossible for the Sword Sect to have a second such young and powerful Elder!

"Sword Sect, Luo Chen!"

The Zhang family member also guessed Luo Chen's identity, his face was earthy, muttered.

With Luo Chen's identity and status, did he actually intend to stop Luo Chen?

If it weren’t for Luo Chen to care about little people like him, he would have been killed by Yellow Springs long ago, and even the big Elder who instructed him to do so would only put the blame on him, saying that everything was his proposition. Let him be a scapegoat!

"Big Miss is so close to that one..."

The Zhang family member swallowed his saliva, and said in a little amazement: "The sky of this family is going to change..."

For a long time, the three major factions of the Zhang family have checked and balanced each other. The reformists headed by the Patriarch, the conservative factions headed by Elder, and the neutral factions composed of some tribesmen have maintained a delicate balance between the three factions.

Now that Zhang Qingshi brings Luo Chen back to Zhang's family, it will undoubtedly cause a storm within Zhang's family!

With the help of Luo Chen, the reformers headed by the Zhang Family Patriarch may soon be able to overwhelm the other two factions, take the power alone, and completely suppress the other two factions!

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