Super System I Can One-Click Cultivation

Chapter 951 Special physique, the body of nothingness!

Ye Hao is different from the others in the Ye Family. Although Ye Family started with swordsmanship, Ye Hao didn't cultivate kendo. Instead, he had a lot of experience with Hidden Weapons, and eventually became a different kind of Ye Family.

And the ice cone in the sky was formed by Ye Hao's cultivation technique "Xuanbing Jin". It was hidden in the surroundings by his Hidden Weapons manipulation technique, and it appeared instantly when the battle broke out, launching a shocking blow!

Seeing Ye Hao's methods, Luo Chen couldn't help being a little surprised. Even though his perception was far beyond ordinary people, he didn't realize how Ye Hao hid those ice cones in the surrounding space!

This method was too amazing, Luo Chen couldn't find any way to crack it for a while.

If he really confronted Ye Hao, he would have to rely on his tyrannical Jian Yuan and Burning Sky Fire to resist Ye Hao's attack!

"Don't be surprised Dage, cousin Ye Hao also has a special physique," Ye Ming, who was on the side, leaned to Luo Chen's side and whispered when he saw Luo Chen's expression.

As the most outstanding genius of the Ye Family, he is also the hope of the Ye Family in the future. He naturally knows the secrets that many people don't know.

For example, why did Ye Hao, the most outstanding genius of the Ye family's previous generation, give up the sword skills inherited by the Ye family and cultivated Hidden Weapons?

Although the outside world has different opinions and speculations about this, Ye Ming is very clear that the reason why Ye Hao chose to cultivate Hidden Weapons is because of Ye Hao's special physique!

The special physique that Ye Hao uses is extremely rare. If you want to maximize the power of this physique, you can only use cultivation Hidden Weapons!

If it weren't for this special physique, Ye Hao wouldn't be able to give up the sword skills inherited by the Ye Family and switch to the cultivation Hidden Weapons technique.

"Special physique?"

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and while thinking about it, he had already guessed.

"Could it be the body of nothingness?"

Luo Chen looked at Ye Ming, somewhat curious.

He was not worried that the three Fengyuge killers would hear this news, because the three were already mortal people. In addition to Ye Hao's strong killing intent against them, Li Xiuya was watching. It is impossible for a person to escape!

What's more, the body of nothingness is extremely rare. Even the many forces in the mainland don’t know much about this special physique. If it weren’t for Luo Chen had read about this special physique in the Library illusion of the Beast God Sect, he would also Wouldn't think of this special physique!

Because this physique is too rare, and its ability is also a bit tasteless.

That is to hide things that contain Spiritual Qi no more than a certain level, and only hide the dead!

The increase of this special physique to oneself is almost zero. Before the use of this special physique was developed, this physique was once called a waste body. In the age of geniuses in the ancient times, there was no body of nothingness. Any fame at all.

The real name for the body of nothingness is an evil cultivator, who is good at Saber Technique. Because of his possession of the body of nothingness, his swords are magical, defeating many Tianjiao, and he is extremely famous in the ancient times.

However, at that time, no one found that Xie Xiu possessed the body of nothingness, only when he had cultivated a weird Saber Technique.

The evil cultivator eventually provokes the Beast God Sect and is beheaded by the Beast God Sect, and the secret about its emptiness naturally falls into the hands of the Beast God Sect, and the Beast God Sect has not disclosed this news, but secretly collected it. The genius with the void body should be cultivated more, but unfortunately, although the Beast God Sect has cultivated several geniuses with the void body, the effect is not satisfactory.

Until the end of the Beast God Sect, the Beast God Sect never cultivated a powerful body of nothingness, but the various special uses of this physique were discovered by the Beast God Sect and recorded in the Library.

"Dage, you know?"

Hearing Luo Chen’s words, Ye Ming couldn’t help being a little surprised. The physique that Ye Hao used was extremely weird. If it weren’t for Ye Hao's understanding of this physique after awakening the Void Body, the rest of the Ye family would never have thought of it. Ye Hao actually has a special physique!

Now that Luo Chen actually broke through the details of Ye Hao's special physique, how could this make Ye Ming not surprised?

However, Ye Ming didn't feel surprised for long, and he quickly left the matter behind. After all, with Luo Chen's strength, even knowing the Void Body is not unacceptable.

"Slightly understood," Luo Chen nodded lightly and smiled.

He was only guessing. When he first learned about the special physique of Nothingness, he had guessed the Martial Skill that is most suitable for this kind of physique cultivation. In the end, he thought about it and thought that this kind of physique was the most suitable. If you really want to set foot in Martial Dao, the most suitable for cultivation is the Hidden Weapons technique!

Because both the Hidden Weapons and the formation base used by the formation division are dead objects, the body of nothingness can hide them, especially the formation division. If a killing formation is arranged, the base formation will be hidden by the body of nothingness. Get up, you can kill countless Practitioners!

It’s just that the biggest flaw of the Void Body is that hiding objects requires a far and constant consumption of true essence. Therefore, the formation master with the Void Body cannot hide multiple formation bases at the same time. Otherwise, it will only let yourself be instantly caught The horrible suction drains!

"Dage, you guessed right, the special physique that cousin Ye Hao has is the body of nothingness," Ye Ming said in a low voice, "Actually, the Patriarch wanted Brother Ye Hao to cultivate a fast sword technique. With the power of the body of nothingness, Being able to hide the sword in his hand and working with the fast sword technique will undoubtedly exert a miraculous effect.

But Ye Hao's cousin finally decided to cultivation Hidden Weapons. Unfortunately, the Hidden Weapons books owned by the Ye family are not many. Although the Ye family is also trying to help Ye Hao cousin to collect Hidden Weapons cheats, the effect is not good. Otherwise, at the beginning, Cousin Ye Hao may not lose to the Xiao Wending from the Xiao family! "

Speaking of this, Ye Ming looked a little uncomfortable, obviously thinking that Xiao Wending defeated Ye Hao at the time when he was in danger!

Luo Chen smiled when he heard the words. He had already guessed about the dilemma Ye Hao was facing when he learned about Ye Hao's cultivation Hidden Weapons.

After all, the Hidden Weapons of the Universe Continent have been in decline for a long time, and the advanced Hidden Weapons techniques are even rarer, and there is no Hidden Weapons technique in the magical skill list. Therefore, many Hidden Weapons masters are inferior to Realm's skills. The masters do not think for other reasons, but because the Martial Skill level they master is not high, even if the cultivation is to the extreme, it can't be compared with the masters of Realm!

However, Luo Chen also understood that Ye Hao possessed the body of nothingness, and coupled with the Hidden Weapons technique, ordinary masters could never be Ye Hao's opponent!

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