Super System I Can One-Click Cultivation

Chapter 958 The Flame of Void Spirit, the Identity of Palace Lord!

Ignoring Ye Hao, Luo Chen's gaze swept across the pill room, and finally fixed on the pill cauldron in the middle.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now after careful observation, he discovered that there was still flames beating in the Danding!

It's just that the flame is invisible, and if it weren't for the faint distortion of the air around Danding, he would not have noticed the existence of this kind of flame!

"Ethereal Flame?"

Luo Chen raised his brows slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but look a little bit surprised.

The ethereal flame is just a kind of Earth Fire. It can be said that the power is the bottom of the Earth Fire, but this kind of flame is an extremely precious kind of Earth Fire, and its rarity is only second to that of Luo Chen. Fire of the sky!

Because the ethereal flame is invisible and invisible, it is extremely difficult to be found, and this kind of flame does not hurt the body, only the soul, so if you don’t touch this kind of flame, you will not be aware of its existence. It can be said that the power of the ethereal flame is somewhat Not satisfactory, but it is the most suitable flame for combat!

Especially for those Practitioners who are proficient in the concealment method, the ethereal flame is the holy thing they dream of!

It's just that this kind of flame is rarely discovered because of its unique characteristics, but Luo Chen did not expect that he would actually see the ethereal flame here!

Luo Chen radiated his perception. Soon, there was a fluttering flame in Luo Chen's perception. What surprised Luo Chen the most was that he did not notice any soul mark in the fluttering flame. There are signs of existence, and the original fire of that group of flames is also intact. Obviously, this group of ethereal flames has never been controlled by anyone!

Perceiving this, Luo Chen's eyes couldn't help being a little bit more surprised, and said with a serious face: "The owner of Immortal Cave is probably not just Martial Saint!"

In a sense, the value of the ethereal flame is more precious than the burning fire he possesses. Martial Saint level masters are also treasures of ethereal flames. If they get ethereal flames, those practitioners are sure Will choose to refine and absorb, and since the owner of Immortal Cave can place the ethereal flame in the pill room, and there is no idea of ​​refining and absorption, obviously the owner of Immortal Cave doesn't care about ethereal flame!

This alone is enough to explain how rich the Immortal Cave master's fortune is!

Such a net worth is not unusual for a strong Martial Saint. The owner of this Immortal Cave is likely to be a strong one surpassing Martial Saint Realm. No matter how bad it is, Martial Saint has the absolute best!

"Why did Brother Luo say this?"

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Ye Hao's face suddenly appeared astonished and asked.

Although he also guessed that the owner of this Immortal Cave may have surpassed the Martial Saint level, but he didn't find any clues, just because he knew before that this Immortal Cave was actually in the lost sea. Guess it.

Now that he heard Luo Chen's words, Ye Hao naturally had some doubts in his heart.

"You should have heard the name of Ethereal Flame, right?" Luo Chen smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone.

"Slightly heard," Li Xiuya nodded. He is a disciple of Wuji Pavilion. Although he is not a pill refining master, he has some understanding of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire. On the contrary, Ye Hao and Ye Ming don't have much knowledge of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire. Concerned, apart from the most common types of spiritual fires, they are completely ignorant of other heaven and earth spiritual fires.

"Since Brother Li knows the ethereal flame, he should also understand the value of this Earth Fire," Luo Chen pointed to the pill cauldron in the center of the alchemy room, and said sternly: "The ethereal flame is under the pill cauldron, Li Brother can release the ethereal flame of perception and exploration, and then Brother Li will naturally understand why I would say that the owner of Immortal Cave may have surpassed Martial Saint."

Hearing Luo Chen’s words, Li Xiuya, Ye Hao, and Ye Ming all released their perceptions with curiosity. Soon, they felt a beating flame, but it was different from an ordinary flame. What temperature, even if it is in their perception, they will not feel any burning sensation.

"It doesn't seem to be abnormal?" Ye Hao frowned, somewhat puzzled.

As for Ye Ming, he also didn't see the mystery, he couldn't help but cast his gaze to Luo Chen, and couldn't help but ask: "Dage, what are you trying to say? Although this ethereal flame is a bit strange, it's no different, right?"

Luo Chen laughed at the words without saying a word, and cast his eyes on Li Xiuya.

"I understand." Li Xiuya noticed Luo Chen's gaze and returned to his senses. He said with some emotion: "This group of ethereal flames shows no signs of being refined. You must know any heaven and earth spiritual fire, as long as it has been After refining, no matter whether the owner has fallen or not, there will be some traces left in it.

But there was no trace left in this ethereal flame, and there was only one reason, and that was that it had never been refined!

With the value of the ethereal flame, if the ordinary Martial Saint gets it, it will definitely try to refine and control it for the first time, and there is no sign of the ethereal flame in front of it, which is enough to show that the owner of Immortal Cave is here. After obtaining the ethereal flame, he placed it in the pill room without any attempt to refine the ethereal flame!

With the wealth of the strong Martial Saint, it is not enough to place a group of ethereal flames in the Immortal Cave and ignore it! "

Hearing Li Xiuya's words, the others couldn't help but be stunned.

If the owner of this Immortal Cave is just Martial Saint, it is absolutely impossible for this group of ethereal flame to be thrown into the pill room like this. Even if the owner of Immortal Cave does not try to refine the ethereal flame, he will choose to sell it. Instead of letting it stay in the Dan room as a display!

The current situation can only show that the Immortal Cave master's wealth is beyond their imagination, and even the ethereal flame is just a thing of ordinary value to the Immortal Cave master!

With such a rich net worth, the Cultivation Base of the owner of Immortal Cave may have surpassed Martial Saint and reached a higher Realm!

"This group of ethereal flames has not been refined, if you are interested, you can try to take it away," Luo Chen smiled at Ye Hao and said casually.

He already has the fire of burning the sky, Luo Chen does not have much thoughts about the flame of the ethereal, because even if he obtains the flame of the ethereal, he will not play any role, and the power of the fire theory of the burning of the sky is far more powerful than that he controls. It is impossible for him to dissipate the burning sky fire that he possesses for the sake of the ethereal flame!

But the three of Li Xiuya are different. Ye Hao possesses the body of nothingness, coupled with his refined Hidden Weapons technique, if he controls the ethereal flame, it will be like a tiger with wings!

The same is true for Ye Ming. If the ethereal flame is incorporated into the formation, the danger level of the formation can be greatly increased. By then, Ye Ming will have a hole card that is enough to turn over!

Even if it is Li Xiuya, after receiving the ethereal flame, he can still greatly increase his strength, so no matter who masters the ethereal flame, these three people will make him more powerful!

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