"Something related to me?"

As soon as Li Yaodao heard the words "high-energy response", he thought that a powerful enemy appeared, he immediately relieved, and asked the system: "What is it?"

"Ding! If you return to the host, the system cannot detect it yet, but it's right in front of the host!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao ignored the surrounding demon souls screaming and angry, and turned to look in the direction pointed by the evolution system.

With the help of his own fire, he found that there was a small altar similar to a ceremony, so he walked carefully on the ground.

When Li Yaodao came to this altar cautiously, he first looked around, and urged his spiritual power to cover it to see if there were any organs.

"It seems that it hasn't been opened for a long time..."

Li Yaodao discovered that there was dust around the altar, and with the exploration and drive of spiritual power, no organ traps had been activated. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He looked towards the center and narrowed his eyes.

At the center of this small altar, there was a container-like box floating slowly. The material was so special that it could not be seen.

And it seemed to be blocked by an altar, locked in chains formed by five spiritual powers, as if it didn't want to let the contents out.

"Ding! Attention, host, this mysterious box is the source of the high-energy reaction!"

Hearing the sound of the evolution system, Li Yaodao also raised his brows. It seemed that there must be something terrible or a treasure locked in it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be treated so alone.

Because of the spiritual power chains that block the box, it can be seen from the fluctuations that there is actually a level of heaven-passing...

"Things that can be blocked by the spiritual power chains of the Heavenly Transcendence Realm are definitely not an ordinary thing!" Li Yaodao rubbed his chin with its tail, obviously doing some kind of thinking.

After all, this hall is too weird, and what happened before made him have to be cautious!


In the next second, it seemed that life was approaching, and the sealed box suddenly beat a few times like a heart, and it began to shake violently left and right. The red and gold light traces attached to the box, as if to break free!

The emergence of red and gold light flashed across Li Yaodao's body and disappeared in a flash.

He stared at the box for an instant, and suddenly felt that the inexplicable sense of summoning outside the temple before came from it!

"This thing is calling me..." Li Yaodao murmured, he suddenly wanted to open the box with his tail uncontrollably.

At this moment, Li Yaodao's eyes flashed with purple and gold light, as if warning him that things in front of him should not be touched. If you touch it, you will regret it!

"Ding! Be careful of the host, high-energy warning ahead! The things in the box will cause unknown huge damage to the host!"

"It will even kill the host!"

Even the evolution system kept reminding Li Yaodao in his mind, but his eyes were a little dull now, and no one could hear anyone's voice.

In his eyes, there is only the box in front of him!

"I need this thing!" Li Yaodao stretched out the snake's tail and gently placed it on the box. At this moment, the red and gold light suddenly released, lighting up the entire central hall like a flash in the pan.

The red and gold light glided directly outside along the passage of the hall, flashed past, and the dark tone of the hall was restored again.


However, at this moment, the chain of spiritual power that originally sealed the box suddenly broke under the unconscious touch of Li Yaodao. The chain of spiritual power that was comparable to the heavenly realm broke, obviously, it was a bit unexpected.

Without the blockade of the spiritual power chain, the box made of some unknown material was also slowly opened under the red and gold light.

"this is?!"

When Li Yaodao saw the contents of the box, his eyes suddenly condensed.

In any case, he did not expect that such things would be stored in the box!

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