"Welcome to the Turin Underground City!" Hong Mei said proudly, pinching her waist with her hands.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao stared at the intricate steel city below, listening to the hustle and bustle of the machinery, coupled with the invisible underground city, he even had the illusion that it was like an industrial age.

He looked at the magma waterfall flowing down the rock wall, to the countless large and small tank equipment, and finally to the bottom of the palace group and the world of large and small towns. He couldn't help but mutter: "Okay. Spectacular..."

"Hey, our Turing line has lived here for countless generations. This Turing Mountain is just one of the entrances. We have almost dug the ground of the Demon God Mountain Range now!" Hong Mei said proudly.

Li Yaodao secretly nodded when he heard this, and he also became interested in this Turin clan in his heart.

"Let's go, we are going to the Turin Palace next." Sister Hong took Li Yaodao's hand and walked down the stairs. "There is our royal palace. Outsiders must first do the first thing. Meet my grandfather, the King of Turin!"

Li Yaodao curiously looked at the intricate stairway below, just like the flyover road in a certain city. Its complexity can even be described by a steel ball...

"I take the liberty to ask, what if I get lost here?"

Hearing that, the red girl pulled the other party and said without thinking: "If you are lost, you may go to another area. If you want to come back again, unless you can fly, you will slowly detour."

"Don't say you are an outsider, even within our clan, there is often a phenomenon of lost population. After all, every area in the Turin underground city is very complicated, and there is a lord who is in charge. Of course, they are all under my grandfather's control. !"

Listening to Hongmei's answer, Li Yaodao smiled, and inadvertently tightened her hand to prevent being left behind.

He didn't want to be a member of the lost population when he first came here. It would be too embarrassing...

With such intricate steps, Li Yaodao walked to the entrance of the main street of the underground city for more than half an hour.

At both ends of the main street entrance door, there are two rock statues holding stone axes. These are the appearance of two male Turin men. Their long beards are tied straight down to their chests and their eyes are solemn and solemn.

Although they were carved out of two dead objects, they gave Li Yaodao an illusion that he could come alive at any time.

"We are now in the Royal City of Turin, which is also the largest area of ​​the underground city!" Hong Mei's eyes were narrowed into crescents, her lively appearance, plus some delicate freckles on her pretty face, just like the little girl next door.

Li Yaodao smiled slightly, and said, "Then Lord Hong will take care of you."

"Relax, in my turf, as long as you don't kill people, no one can bully you." Hong Mei grinned and said, her natural vivaciousness really has nothing to do with the elegance of the ladies.

But because of this, Hongmei's unrestrained outgoing personality makes it easier to get along with others.

There were constant shouts on the noisy main street. There were stalls selling various food and metal materials, as well as finished equipment. Shoppers coming and going, in addition to the Turin people, there were some strange-looking monsters.

"This is the free trading zone of the Royal City of Turin. Only with the approval of the Turin family can you be eligible to enter here to buy the equipment you want, even all kinds of treasures."

"Of course, we must abide by the rules of the Turin clan here, otherwise, we will blacken the relationship at any time and never allow entry again!"

"We are going to the interior of the Royal City, so this is the only way to go."

On the noisy and bustling trading street, Hongmei took Li Yaodao to explain some basic common sense, while Li Yaodao looked curiously at the lively stalls on both sides, and gradually became interested in this magical underground city.

"I have seen Princess Red King!"

"Meet the Red King Princess!"


Both the monsters and the people of Turin enthusiastically saluted the red girl respectfully. The girl smiled and nodded in response, and then turned back and smiled slightly at Li Yaodao.

"I am the granddaughter of the King of Turin, and naturally the daughter of the lord of the royal city. My father is the lord of the royal city. Because I am the blood relative of the royal family, I am called the Princess of the Red King."

Li Yaodao smiled and nodded when he heard the words. This is different because of the background. The identity of the birth is so high...

"Let's take a few steps!" Hong Mei pulled Li Yaodao and ran quickly, but before she ran a few steps, she was blocked by several soldiers who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Li Yaodao looked at the number of soldiers in green armor blocking the road, and only slightly saluted the red girl. He did not have the same enthusiasm and respect as those of the clan and foreign monsters before, and felt that it was not simple.

Sister Hong looked at the green-armored Turin warriors blocking the road in front, her eyebrows frowned, she only heard a loud laughter that was somewhat delighted.

"Haha, Princess Red, I found you!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao remained silent, while Red Sister was between the willow eyebrows, condensing a somewhat plain meaning, and said indifferently: "Who am I? It turns out to be the prince of the Green King."

"Dare to ask Prince Oberon, why are you blocking this princess's way this time?"

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