"What is the rank of Uncle Snake King's Holy Snow Rong Lotus?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Mei recalled it carefully, and thoughtfully said: "That weapon my father forged for Uncle Snake King, it seems to be a super-class earthenware, but it has been eight hundred years. Can forge, I don’t remember clearly."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao was stunned. He looked at the pretty young red girl in front of him, and his heart was shocked.

Feeling this guy actually lived for eight hundred years? !

"What do you guys think?! I'm not as old as you think!" The red girl seemed to understand a little bit from the other person's eyes, and said suddenly, "Although I have lived for eight hundred years, But it is equivalent to eighteen years of human beings!"

"Eighteen years old!"

Listening to the red girl's double affirmative tone, Li Yaodao touched her nose and sneered, "Super-class terrestrial tattoos? I understand this. What does super-class mean?"

Seeing the other party's change of topic so simply and neatly, Hongmei snorted angrily, and explained: "The meaning of super-high-grade earthenware is that it can exert power comparable to inferior sky-weave instruments, but because of the forging probability The minimum and the accreditation conditions are extremely demanding, so it is difficult to appear."

Li Yaodao nodded secretly when he heard this. It turned out that the Kunlun Snake King's weapon was a super-high-grade earth-patterned weapon. Then, wouldn't the sky-patterned weapon be more abnormal?

"I won't ask about the tattoo that day. What is the magic tattoo?" Li Yaodao was very curious about it.

In the next second, Hong Mei silently shook her head, and said, "I don't know, I haven't seen it, or the entire Turin family has never seen it."

Li Yaodao was stunned when he heard the sound, and couldn't help asking, "Is it because the possibility of forging a magic pattern is almost zero?"

"Not almost zero, but zero at all!"

Hong Mei shook her head and said: "The **** pattern artifact cannot be created. Legend has it that it came from the broken void of a certain world and fell in the corner of the ancient world. The number of known **** pattern artifacts is as small as You can count with your fingers."

"So few?" Li Yaodao frowned slightly, and immediately felt relieved. After all, it was a magical pattern tool, and it must have exerted a power comparable to gods.

Perhaps... the artifact is like the young man he met in a certain consciousness space before, because the latter holds a golden dragon halberd with dragon patterns in his hands.

"Things of that level are beyond your reach and I can touch them. Wait a moment, and I will activate my forged weapons!" Hong Mei carried a bunch of weapons and went straight to the common magma furnace area.

Many forgers of the Turin tribe would rarely salute respectfully when seeing the red girl, and it was very lively!

Li Yaodao looked at the space of such a huge forging area, looked at the hot lava waterfall flowing down from the top of the rock wall in the distance, and felt the scorching hot temperature gradually spreading around, so he simply sat down and closed his eyes to relax.

As the saying goes, the mind is calm and naturally cool, and staying is also waiting. Under proper cultivation, experience and experience the cultivation life of a cultivator.

Although he has an evolutionary system, he doesn't need to practice deliberately, just kill the enemy...


Half an hour later, I saw Hongmei slowly walking, her right hand was slightly lifted, a lot of spiritual energy wrapped in many psychic devices that were still in the scorching temperature floating beside her, smiling.

"Let's go, follow me to the test bench and see which kind of spirit pattern is suitable for you!"

Li Yaodao followed Hongmei quickly to an area full of stone platforms. There are also many other Turin people who are constantly looking at the ordinary weapons or spiritual weapons they forged, and some are even trying to recognize the master.

"Okay, all of my outstanding works are here. Let's pick one!" Hong Mei used her spiritual power to place several weapons that emit a faint light on the stone platform, and said with satisfaction: "Choose well, choose the best A weapon that suits you."

"They are both powerful weapons and your combat partners!"

Hearing that, Li Yaodao nodded slightly. He stepped forward and looked at the weapons neatly arranged on the stone platform, including long sword, short sword, long spear, and broad sword, etc., and fell into contemplation...

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