Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 158: Fall into the dragon pit

The ice crystal pterosaur saw that its left paw was ruthlessly shattered by the red girl, and the blue crystal fragments fell from the sky, and it roared in pain.

"In Turin, I'm going to kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

At this moment, the red girl with gray wings stretched out in mid-air is pressing the cone handle against her shoulders, and her pretty face grunts disdainfully: "Talk about it, you can't beat me anyway, give up Xiaolonglong, I will The best inverse scale, nothing more."

"Why be so angry because of a small injury, better than I kill you to get Lan Jing?"

Li Yaodao, who was on the ground, heard that his facial muscles twitched slightly. I am afraid that this guy has some misunderstandings about the word "consult". What is this about discussing with others? This seems to be no different from forcing...

When the ice crystal pterosaur heard Hongmei's words, Qi Qi orifices suddenly became smoke, and the wound on its left paw was slowly healed under the cover of blue crystal, and then another paw grew from under the abdomen.

"How about it, consider it?" Hong Sister was not anxious, confident she was actually waiting for the ice crystal pterosaur to recover.

Li Yaodao saw this and shook his head secretly. This is the unlucky ice crystal pterosaur. He encountered such an enemy...

"Ding! The host is careful, the high-energy display in front shows that there is a suspected ascension state fluctuation!"

The system prompt sounded suddenly, and the shocked Li Yaodao suddenly looked up, his eyes locked on the ice crystal pterosaur in the air, the next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he shouted at the fluttering red girl.

"Sister Hong, rewind! That guy has the strength of the Ascension Realm!"

As soon as these words came out, Hong Mei couldn't help but look back at Li Yaodao, and she couldn't help but stunned: "How did you know?"


Everything is just like what Li Yaodao said before. At this time, the ice crystal pterosaur broke away huge dragon wings in mid-air. As a descendant of dragon clan bloodline, it is thin, but it has the qualification to transform into a dragon. The scales of the whole body were released with blue light.

With a burst of broken cracks, Li Yaodao and Hongmei cast their eyes on the ice crystal pterosaur at the same time, and saw that the latter's body was even larger, and the more fierce spiritual power fluctuations filled the whole body.

At this moment, the ice crystal pterosaur was covered with blue light, and more blue crystal thorns suddenly appeared on the back. The scarlet eyes became four eyes, and the dragon mouth changed from one to two.

No one thought that the fellow of feelings already possessed the level of Ascension Realm!

"Huh, pretending to be, it turns out that you are deliberately burning your pure blood to increase your spiritual power when you come. You will really lose your blood." Hong Mei just stared at it and saw the clues and sneered.

The ice crystal pterosaur roared, and its wings shook wildly. With each flapping, the fierce blue blade was so sharp that it shrouded the red girl.

Clang clang...

Hong Sister didn't expect that the other party would be so desperate, seeing the blue blade whizzing from such a close distance, she could not dodge her had to use the cone to whistle and smash back and forth, the light of the cloak flickered, and the fire spattered.

At this time, Li Yaodao saw the blue crystal blade whizzing from the sky, and he screamed inwardly, so he hurried to hide under the blue crystal stone not far away, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

This is the legendary knife from the sky, right?

Although it is not difficult for Hongmei to resist the blade of Lanjing, she can't hold her opponent too large in number. There are signs of damage to the skin armor on many parts of her body, and even the short hair that is straight has been cut off a little red.


All of this is not over yet, the ice crystal pterosaur took advantage of the gap in the resistance of the red sister, and the huge figure flashed to the side of the opponent, turned around and hit the dragon's tail with the ferocious spiritual impact, and hit the girl's waist fiercely. .

Hong Sister was slammed on her waist, and her powerful spiritual impact was so strong that she couldn't help but spray a burst of blood, her breath weakened, her teeth were biting and she wanted to turn back to fight back, but she was hit by the dragon's tail. From a long distance, he was beaten to Longkeng.

Seeing that his face changed, Li Yaodao took the jade pendant from the storage space and rushed out.


Seeing Li Yaodao's figure, the ice crystal pterosaur exhaled a large amount of blue crystal thorns and whizzed away.

Accompanied by a burst of golden light, Li Yaodao blocked the opponent's attack with the help of the jade pendant's absolute defense, and at the same time, with the help of the aftermath of the attack, he shook himself up, and the target was the Dragon Keng!

Hong Sister felt the direction in which she had been knocked into the air. It was the dragon pit. The depth below was enough to smash her to pieces, but she was hit hard at the moment, causing the gray wings to be unable to vibrate, like a kite with a broken line and falling. Go down.

"Red girl!"

As she was falling, Hong Mei heard a scream. She opened her eyes and her slightly blurred vision gradually became clear. She saw a weakened figure in black clothes flying over the dragon pit and hugging herself.

In the next second, I saw Li Yaodao holding Hongmei down into a dragon pit like an abyss, and the two figures were gradually swallowed by darkness...

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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