Where am I?

In the dim consciousness, Li Yaodao's spirit gradually recovered, and his hand was raised subconsciously, trying to grab something.

However, it doesn’t matter if he catches it. The key is really in his confounded consciousness, what he caught...

It feels so soft...what is it?

Li Yaodao unconsciously squeezed according to the feedback from the palm of his hand, and immediately opened his eyes with some difficulty. When he saw a familiar and blushing face, he suddenly looked startled.

He then realized that he was actually resting on a pair of flexible thighs, looking at those shy eyes with a trace of worry.

In response, Li Yaodao was stunned.

"You... are you awake?" Mei Hong's face was slightly red at this time. She didn't care about the other party's actions, but said with some shyness and concern: "You have been in a coma for three full hours, and now you feel yourself Are there any discomforts in your body?"

The red girl's voice became smaller and smaller, even inaudible.


Facing the situation of waking up suddenly, Li Yaodao also gradually recovered. He looked at the opponent, and then at the right hand that he had scratched in the haziness before, and finally understood how the previous feeling came from. He quickly let go and lifted up.

Looking at the warm room layout around, Li Yaodao knew clearly.

He is no longer in the forging area, but in a girl-like boudoir...

Hong Mei didn't get angry because of the former's rudeness, but moved her body relatively obediently and held her behind her to prevent her from falling down suddenly.

Li Yaodao's face flushed, and it was obviously unexpected for him to do such a rude thing. He was a little afraid to face the red girl behind him, and his words were a little knotted.

"Then... I'm sorry, ahem, I didn't mean it, don't forget to go inside, I..."

When the words fell, he suddenly didn't know what he was talking about, and his consciousness had just recovered, causing his brain to go blank.

Seeing this, Hong Mei couldn't help but laugh, and said: "How did I find out that you are sometimes similar to people?"

"I found that you sometimes look like a human being in terms of expressions and ways of speaking."

Hearing that, Li Yaodao stood up. He faced the red girl who was sitting on the bed and looked at him. He took a deep breath and apologized, "No, I should apologize for wrongdoing. I have no intention of doing the kind of frivolous behavior just now. ."

The red girl's thin lips curled up slightly, nodded, and smiled: "I know, I'm not angry, why are you nervous?"

"And you and I are both monsters. To put it bluntly, my human body is just a shell. We are all the same, and the Turin race has been passed down from generation to generation although it is a human form, but it is a monster in its bones, so not so many humans should have Taboo."

"And I didn't feel that you were belittling me just now, on the contrary I was very happy, because I felt that you recognized me..."

Li Yaodao suddenly interrupted: "It's different!"

Suddenly, there was a silence in the room. Hong Sister was suddenly serious and inexplicable by the other party. Liu Mei frowned and said, "Why can't I suddenly understand what you are talking about?"

"I said, it's all different!" Li Yaodao looked serious, he stepped forward, looked at Hongmei, and said seriously.

"You are inherently different. You don't need to be the same as anyone else. You are you, you are the red girl, and then you are the demon. No one can become you!"

Hearing this, Hong Mei's expression was stunned. She took a deep look at Li Yaodao and found that the other party seemed a little pleasing even when she was serious.

Is this the feeling of liking a demon?

For a while, the atmosphere returned to the quiet origin again. Sister Hong sat on the bed with her legs swinging. She thought for a moment, then raised her head to look at Li Yaodao and smiled: "Okay, I listen to you! Be unique."

"You don't need to listen to me, it's best to be yourself." Li Yaodao smiled and nodded when he heard the words. He was also worried that the other party would be angry, but it depends on the situation that he thinks too much.

"It doesn't matter, what you say, I will listen to you." Hong Mei laughed and said, returning to her usual lively appearance again.

It's just that the tone and emotion of verbal communication are gradually undergoing subtle changes.

Li Yaodao raised his brows when he saw this. He should have been happy for the other party, but when he tasted the other party's words, he felt a little inexplicable?

He couldn't tell where the details were inexplicable...

Li Yaodao coughed lightly, before changing the topic, and asked: "By the way, where is my Tian Congyun?"

"Oh yes, I only remembered it when you said it." Hong Mei's expression turned, and she immediately walked out of the bed, pulling Li Yaodao out, and said as she walked.

"You are in a coma, and the knife is still stuck in the forging area at the moment. Because your knife recognizes you as the master, other people in my clan tried it, but found that no one except you could pull the weird monster knife. "

"After all, you must tie the bell to untie the bell!"

As soon as he heard the word demon knife, Li Yaodao's heart also moved slightly. Before he was in a coma, there was the word demon knife in the paragraph in his mind.

That's right, Tian Congyun is his first exclusive weapon in the sense, a peerless demon sword exclusive to him!

Under the leadership of Hongmei, Li Yaodao and her quickly came to the forging area. At this moment, part of the site was messy. He was a little embarrassed to see the traces of his own swing in the surrounding area.

"Sorry, I gave you a little trouble before, I didn't mean to destroy your venue."

On the other hand, Hong Sister gave the other person an angry glance, and said: "These are all trivial matters, don't take it to heart, and don't move and say sorry in the future, be careful I turn my face!"

Seeing the other person pinching his waist so earnestly, Li Yaodao nodded slightly and smiled: "Okay!"

"Go, you got the sword right there. I ordered someone to seal off that area because it's a bit wicked." Hong Mei pointed to the open space in front, and a green and red sword was inserted quietly surrounded by many **** waves. With.

As for the **** waves, Li Yaodao knew very well in his heart that it was full of murderous intentions, but it had no effect on him now.

Many forging masters who were working in other places couldn't help but let go of their work when the master of the demon sword came, and couldn't help but stare curiously.

They all wanted to see if this handsome young man who seemed to be plain and unremarkable could really control that demon sword!

At that time, Li Yaodao slowly came to the green red monster knife that was quietly inserted on the ground, feeling the fierce killing intentions raging around him, the corner of his mouth was slightly lifted, and his right hand slowly grasped the handle of the knife.


Demon Sword Tian Congyun gave back a green-red luster, passing over the blade.

Feeling the condensed grip coming from his hand, Li Yaodao smiled and said, "Tian Congyun, my partner, I'm here to pick you up!"

With that said, the boy began to draw his sword under the gaze of Hongmei and many blacksmiths.

However, in the next second, Li Yaodao's expression changed slightly. He looked at the magic sword stuck on the ground and couldn't pull it out with his right hand. He was a bit embarrassed for a while, and couldn't help being shocked.

"My own exclusive weapon can't even be pulled out?!"

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