This situation and situation seemed to freeze with the fall of the last sentence of Hong Sister. Li Yaodao looked at the somewhat shy girl holding his arm, and felt the subtle changes in the other party's heart. He was stunned.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Hong Mei was blushing and cute. She took a deep breath, a little bit less shyness unique to a girl, but a little harder hope, and said seriously: "I want to be your exclusive blacksmith, May I?"

"Whenever in the future, do you want to find me to forge new weapons, other equipment, or maintain your own equipment, I will help you unconditionally, and only for you!"

"I don't ask for anything in return, nor will I restrict you. With me, you have absolute freedom. Everything is voluntary!"

After saying this in one breath, Hong Sister felt that she was obviously relieved. Seeing Li Yaodao remained silent, some of them did not dare to look at the other party, but clung to the other party's arm tightly, not daring nor wanting to let it go.

It was like waiting for the trial.

Hearing these words, the stunned Li Yaodao gradually turned around. He looked at the red-haired girl who was not daring to look at him with his head down. A slight smile appeared on his face. He stretched out his hand again and gently rubbed the opponent Smiled on his head.

"Okay, I will trouble you a lot in the future, but I won't make any excessive demands on you. When I need it, I will come back to you for help."

Hearing that, Hong Mei suddenly raised her head. There were wavy marks in those water spirit eyes, and she hugged Li Yaodao's waist happily, and said excitedly: "No trouble, no trouble, you can use me as you please!"

This bad word, this bad hint!

Li Yaodao looked startled, and immediately coughed a few times. Hongmei’s answer almost made him feel the urge to think about it...

Hong Sister held it for a long time before she was reluctant to leave Li Yaodao's arms. The reason she wanted to hold her for a while was to remember the other person's breath. She smiled and looked at the black-clothed youth who was one head taller than herself. Lungless vivacity, it seemed to be back again.

"What makes you so happy?" Li Yaodao couldn't laugh or cry.

"You don't understand, Brother Dao." Hong Mei laughed and shook her head. She had a pair of small hands behind her back, and said: "Let's go, Brother Dao, it's not early, you should go back, I will send you!"

Li Yaodao smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Okay, but let me say it first, so I will be sent outside without flying me back. I have to adapt to the weight of the knife."


It may be that Li Yaodao said that he was dissatisfied with Li Yaodao. Tian Congyun made a slight scream of dissatisfaction, and his weight had obviously increased a lot. Li Yaodao almost staggered, and immediately regained its previous weight, as if giving one to his master. Get off the horse.

Li Yaodao smiled bitterly at this and shook his head, but he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. Feelings, this Yaodao has a temper...

After a long while, the gate to the rock wall outside the Turin Mountains opened again, and two young figures of a man and a woman slowly appeared inside.

Li Yaodao stretched her body slightly, turned to look at the red girl beside her, smiled and said: "Okay, you can send it here, I will walk the rest of the way."

Hearing this, the red girl bit her teeth, she stretched out her little hand and quietly pinched the corner of the former's clothes, muttering in a low voice: "Brother Dao, do you miss me?"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Don't worry, when I see this knife, I will remember that you forged it for me, how could I forget it."

When the words fell, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately released the profound light on his body, and in the next second, under the inexplicable gaze of the red girl, he recovered into a mysterious snake about five meters long.

Seeing Li Yaodao's regaining appearance, Hong Sister was also a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Dao, what are you doing?"

"Hey, since we have such a good relationship and you gave me such a good weapon, of course I have to be courteous." Li Yaodao smiled, and immediately bit his scales with his snake mouth open.

And it's the brightest and hardest scale on him!


As Li Yaodao violently tore off, a scale exuding profound light was removed, and the torn wound was slowly healed under the passive skill "Healing".

"Here! This is the most precious Nijin on my body, although this gift is not precious..."

Li Yaodao handed Xuanguang Nilin to the stunned red girl, spit out a snake letter, and smiled: "There is a mark of my soul on it, as long as you want to find me in the future, crush it!"

"No matter where I am in this world, I will sense this inverted scale. You can understand it as connecting my life."

Hongmei silently took this piece of mysterious light and reverse scales, feeling the other's breath fluctuates and a little temperature, her agile face became softer, she gently shook her head and said seriously: "This is the most precious to me. one's gift!"

Li Yaodao didn't hear what the other party was saying, and immediately vomited a snake letter, and asked, "What did you just say?"

"Hehe, nothing, thank you, Brother Dao!" Hong Mei shook her head and laughed, and immediately opened her arms to embrace Li Yaodao's big snake head in amazement.

Li Yaodao was shocked when he saw this, but he didn't dodge, just waited quietly in the arms of the opponent.

For a long time, Hong Sister finally let go of her arms reluctantly, pursed her mouth, and smiled: "Brother Dao, then we will have a period later!"

Li Yaodao confided the snake letter, nodded, grinned and said: "There will be a period!"

Having said that, Li Yaodao originally wanted to disappear quickly, but found that even though he was in the form of the deity, the snake's back was still carrying the extremely heavy clouds of the sky, and finally he had to leave slowly.

The scene of a mysterious snake emitting profound light with a demon knife behind it, twisting the snake's body and leaving with a snake-like force, is somewhat weird...

"Brother Dao, safe journey..."

Hongmei whispered and watched Li Yaodao leave, until she couldn't see the other person, her heart gradually began to feel lost.

At that time, she slowly raised her hand and looked at the mysterious light inverse scale in the palm of her hand. Hongmei held this inverse scale in her hand, and immediately folded her hands on her chest, and smiled contentedly...

At the same time, behind the hidden bushes in the distance, a mysterious shadow poked out his head, and he stared at the direction of Li Yaodao's departure. In those green eyes, violent fluctuations flashed!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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