Hearing this, Li Yaodao calmly looked at the green-robed demon man, and sneered: "You can understand that my soul is very strong, and I can feel everything around me, including you, the demon."

"Shemale?" Oberon's face stiffened when he heard the words, and he said coldly, "What do she mean by shemale?"

"Hahaha, you don't even know the ladyboys, you are too sad!" Li Yaodao laughed wantonly with a grin. He glanced at the opponent and said with a faint smile: "You are like you, obviously in human form, but Looks like a monster."

"To put it bluntly, you are nothing, dead monster!"

For some reason, he felt it was refreshing to scold him like this, especially Oberon's appearance, which really showed the two words "shemale" vividly.

Seeing the other party laughing at himself so presumptuously, Oberon was naturally unbearable as the noble Prince of the Turin Mountains.

For some reason, it was difficult for him to maintain the usual mentality that he should have in his daily life since the raid on Li Yaodao just now.

"You, a lowly monster reptile, dare to laugh at this prince?"

Oberon's eyes were round and sharp, and his face was extremely blue with anger, which made him want to extinguish the anger of the other party. At this moment, he rose a little more, and roared: "Inferior reptile, tonight is your death date!"

"Hahaha, don't rush to let me die first, let's try our thoughts first?" Li Yaodao laughed and shook his head, not caring about the other party's ridicule.

Hearing this, Oberon was stunned and couldn't help roaring: "What can I do with you?!"

Li Yaodao raised the snake's tail to signal to the other party to be safe, grinned and said: "As the prince of the Turin Mountains, I and you have always had no grievances. Even if you want me to die, you have to give a reason. ?"

Hearing that, the iron cyan color on Oberon's face has become even stronger!

"Humble reptile, you interrupted this prince's plan, come die!"

In the next second, I saw him swinging the west long sword in his hand to stab, and with the vigorous spiritual power floating away, the sword aura set off layers of destruction waves spreading, piercing the surrounding tree poles, making it more powerful. The sharp piercing sword aura pointed directly at Li Yaodao's snake body!


Seeing the momentum, Li Yaodao also narrowed his smile, his face condensed, facing the sword aura wave marks that had no dead angle attack in front of him, his own snake scales instantly burst into light, illuminating all the surroundings, and at the same time welcoming belongings The strength of the sword energy of the sky is enveloped!

The battle is on the verge, coming very fast!


As the mysterious light blooms and the majestic sword aura's whistling spurs collide, the surrounding ground is unable to withstand such a violent aftershock, so it breaks apart, the smoke and dust fills all directions, the strong wind roars and swells, causing a large number of trees to sway. .

In the silent forest under the dark night, a mysterious light surged!

"The humble and humble reptile, in a mere Star Spirit Profound Realm, just wants to block my "sword qi attack", it's ridiculous!" Oberon grinned slyly, while his hands were holding the sword hilt and poking hard.

In his opinion, the Li Yaodao in the mere Spirit Profound Realm couldn't stop his power at all!

"Well... the Void Sky Realm is really strong enough."

In the next second, under the smog, a faint word of wind and cloud sounded, as well as the friction sound of weapons resisting each other.

Oberon's grin gradually solidified. Seeing that his West Longsword hadn't killed the opponent, his expression was extremely sullen, and he roared, "This is impossible! How can you in the mere Spirit Profound Realm resist my attack?"

He is a real powerhouse in the Void Sky Realm. Although he is not as strong as the Red Sister, he must be more than enough to destroy the Li Yaodao in the Three Profound Realm.

But the facts have proved that Oberon did not achieve the point where one hit kills.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and I saw that the Li Yaodao had restored its human form under the profound light at this moment. The deep black pupils were replaced by the blood streak red pupils. When the blood raging turned on, he could also resist Oberon's with one hand in the sky. West Long Sword.

The scars of violent slaughter gradually permeated, the red color in Li Yaodao's eyes flashed, and the sky cluster cloud in his hand was not out of the sheath, but shot out from the backhand, following the flank of the West Longsword, and immediately in Austria Bolong stared in horror and went out in pain.

Oberon's shoulder took a heavy blow from the sky Congyun, and his figure made a long mark on the ground. There was no blood left on the shoulder that was struck, but it was painful.

At this moment, Li Yaodao held the unsheathed Tian Congyu in front of him with one hand, his complexion was calm and clear, and the black long windbreaker transformed by the scale armor swayed the corners of his clothes with the violent bloodline fluctuations, grinning.

"It turns out that in my blood violent form, I can easily control this demon sword..."

Seeing that he could move the clouds in the sky with one hand, Li Yaodao also had a little understanding of this in his heart.

"You have hidden your strength..." Oberon held his sword to his injured left shoulder, and saw Li Yaodao's spiritual power fluctuations that are not weaker than his own, Sen Yu said: "I actually missed it!"

Hearing this, Li Yaodao smiled indifferently, and said, "Oberon, I have a question that I am curious about. What did you mean by my plan to break?"

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