Chi Chi!

In the silent forest, an embarrassed figure in a green robe emerged from the blood mist. His face was extremely pale, and the entire face, which was originally slightly strange, was even more distorted at this moment.

"Huh, it's a miscalculation, it made me compelled to use the taboo energy once, otherwise, I have now flown back to Turin Mountain!" The green-robed figure snorted coldly, feeling the vortex-like spiritual fluctuations in the body, his face was very Iron green and ferocious.

This person is Oberon who escaped with special skills before Li Yaodao!

Because of his use of a certain taboo, his spiritual power was very violent and empty. The original spiritual power level of the Sky Void Realm had become weak at this moment, so he could not use the spiritual power to transform wings, and could only escape in the forest. .

Seeing the shadow of Turin Mountain gradually enlarge, Oberon's pale and bloodless face finally showed a hint of joy.

"Hmph, as long as I hide in Ludu, I don't believe that this lowly reptile would dare to break in?"

Oberon quickly shuttled through the forest, his hideous pale face, with a distorted smile, sneered: "When my plan of the Green King clan succeeds, I will be the new King of Turin. Then Red Sister will be mine. The beast regrets offending me!"

"Unfortunately you can't wait for that time."

At the same time, a dull and indifferent voice fell from the sky, accompanied by a green-red knife light that suddenly appeared.

Oberon's eyes suddenly condensed when he heard the sound, and his pale face became terrified. He wanted to dodge but it was too late.

"Soul Burial!"

I saw Li Yaodao falling from the sky, swinging the sword with both hands, and slashing from above. The light of the sword made the space tremble and uneasy, and finally smashed firmly into Oberon's predecessor.


It seemed that he felt the smell of blood. The blood on the blade of Tian Congyun was gradually absorbed under the red light, and the blade became extremely smooth and clean again.

Oberon stared at this moment with his eyes full of disbelief. He looked down with difficulty, watching the long cut wound from his neck to his thigh, and his mouth was constantly spraying blood.

" can you catch up with me..." Oberon fell to the ground, his blood-stained green robe, his breath of life was quickly lost, and his body appeared with long stab wounds. A lot of black stripes.

Looking at the black-clothed young man holding a demon knife, and the scary red eyes with scarring blood, especially behind the black-clothed young man, there seemed to be a purple and golden dragon looking down at him coldly.

At this moment, he felt that what he encountered was not a demon, but a demon from hell.

"I... just... just a little..." I saw Oberon stretch out his hand with difficulty, looking at the majestic Turin mountain in the distance, he wanted to hold it, but finally fell weakly.

He, who could have inherited the throne of the Green Capital of Turin Mountain, was killed because of his own actions, thus ruining his young life.

Chi Chi!

With the appearance of death, Tian Cong Yun's sword shook lightly, and the blood lost in Oberon's body turned into blood mist, which was finally absorbed by the blade.

"Ding! The host kills a three-star Turin demon in the Void Realm, plus the thirteen Turin warriors who have been killed before, a total of three consecutive upgrades will be rewarded with +110 evolution points!"

Li Yaodao listened to the system prompt sound suddenly, and immediately closed the knife and looked at Oberon, who was completely dead, and said indifferently: "You and I have no complaints. To blame, you will not only kill me, but also want to move Hongmei. !"

When the blood rage time is over, Li Yaodao's blood pattern red pupils also turn back to deep black pupils. Without the blessing of the blood force, his face has become a little pale, and the sky clouds in his hands become again. Heavy.

I saw him squatting down while holding the demon sword and pestle with both hands, breathing air in large mouthfuls, apparently because of the side effects of weakness that appeared after the strong action used the sky.

Even so, Li Yaodao was delighted at this moment, and the power of the Demon Blade in his hand was really beyond his expectations.

"Unexpectedly, the Tian Congyun integrated with the soul burial stone has the passive ability of "soul burial with one sword". In addition to a bit of waste, this ability is really a strong metamorphosis!"

Looking at the silent Demon Sword in his hand, Li Yaodao's pale complexion gradually became a little **** under the recovery of the healing technique.

"It's not very far from Turin Mountain, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

The next moment, profound light suddenly bloomed in the darkness, re-imagining a Li Yaodao in the form of a mysterious snake. After swallowing Oberon's corpse, he carried the heavy sky clouds on his back and gradually disappeared under the silent night sky. ..

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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