Gan Lengyun, who was about to attack, scanned the front with Zi Leng's gaze, and immediately stared at Li Yaodao's inexplicable knife-holding action.

I saw that Li Yaodao was prostrate at this moment, the light of the sword was like a green snake whispering, hissing through the wind, and like a wandering dragon, walking around, the sky and clouds placed in front of him, sometimes suddenly like lightning, and falling leaves. It was a blue light violently, swallowing the Huns with anger.

"Pretending to be a lot of loopholes, see how I break your law!"

Seeing the momentum, Gan Lengyun smirked, and the figure jumped out, roaring with tiger-shaped fists, and rushed violently, slamming Li Yaodao with his fist.

In his opinion, Li Yaodao's seemingly fierce offensive was actually full of flaws. As long as he grasped one of the flaws, he would definitely be able to break the opponent's attack.

Along with the violent fist wind that broke the wind and howled, Li Yaodao still held the knife in a forward posture, his face was cold, and the corners of his mouth were slightly lifted without leaving a trace.

As expected to be the pinnacle of the Nine Star Earth Profound Realm, the offensive was indeed tyrannical, and his inner fighting spirit was immediately ignited!

However, even more, Li Yaodao's eyes at the moment contained cold killing intent.

Now that the Great Waste Remains is over, I have to leave here, so let's clear the obstacles for Yaoyao!

"go to hell!"

Gan Lengyun, who slammed his fist, seemed to be surrounded by a majestic hurricane. It burst like a cannonball, and the speed was so fast that a long crack appeared on the ground.

"Little Black!"

Seeing that the time was right, Li Yaodao knew the importance of a quick fight, and immediately snorted. When the opponent fist was about to get close to him, he turned to the blue sword and swung it straight out, but it was not at Gan Lengyun. , And more like dodge.

The next moment, I saw Xiao Hei in mini form, taking the place of his brother knife, standing firmly on the spot, a pair of small unicorn paws spreading out from the black sky, and immediately took the white blade with 100% empty hands and grabbed it suddenly. Gan Lengyun that fisted.

Xiao Hei's face suddenly became dignified, and his paws suddenly smashed the ground, broke apart, and was forcibly pushed back a full several meters.

"En?" Seeing the guy who resisted him, it turned out to be a mini black beast, the angry Gan Lengyun's face was pale, his fist wind exploded with an extremely strong spiritual impact, and he wanted to destroy the opponent.

"Brother Dao! I can't hold on anymore!" Xiao Hei grinned at this moment. If it hadn't had the bloodline of the ancient Hei Tianzhao, and its body was strong enough, otherwise it would not dare to use its own Spirit Profound Realm peak to resist the Earth Xuan. Gan Lengyun at the pinnacle of the realm.

call out!

At the moment of lightning and flint, Gan Lengyun suddenly felt cold on his back spine. When he saw the little black beast in front of him, he suddenly came over, and his figure wanted to retreat violently.

In the next second, the scarlet light fell from the sky, and Li Yaodao swiped the knife smoothly. Gan Lengyun suddenly withdrew his hands when he saw the situation. He had no time to dodge, so he could only protect his body with his arms, strong spiritual power. It burst out, forming a barrier to avoid the fatal injury that the opponent cuts on him.

"Soul buried with a knife!"

However, Li Yaodao didn't care how the opponent defended. What he wanted was Gan Lengyun's passive defense. He pulled out the scarlet knife, and immediately slammed into those extremely hard finger-tiger double fists, blood splashing everywhere.

After Li Yaodao finished cutting his hand knife, his face was pale, ignoring Gan Lengyun who was bleeding from his fists, and immediately turned around to hold Xiao Hei, and walked confidently towards the last door of the wild.

When Gan Lengyun saw the opponent walking towards the gate of the Great Wilderness, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was very angry, punching and charging away.

"Do you dare to ignore me? I'm sure to crush you..."

However, in the next second, Gan Lengyun's face suddenly changed drastically. He felt the blood in his body suddenly evaporate, and his body suddenly slammed on the ground. His eyes widened in terror and astonishment. The vitality gradually passed away, and his voice was very vicious.

" deliberately play two against one... dare not... dare not fight me head-on?"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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