Li Yaodao stepped forward, walking in this snowy world space, looking at the streamer across the sky, and then grabbed it. After a while, a streamer fell in his hand, very easy and simple.

I feel that the streamer inside does not require soul power to catch, but waits for the other party to take the initiative to send it to the door.

Seeing the streamer in his hand, Li Yaodao took a deep breath, sighing inwardly.

It is worthy of being a powerful sect in the ancient times. This is only one of the doors. It contains such a large-scale spiritual skill. You know, there are seven such doors!

This suffices to show that the Tianliu Sect in its heyday was probably so heinous!

At that time, the captured streamer gradually spread out in Li Yaodao's palm, and finally the light dissipated and condensed into a simple scroll. On the cover of that scroll, some ancient fonts flashed out.

"Medium level spiritual skills, Raksha legs!"

Regarding this scroll, Li Yaodao just glanced at it casually, and then let it go. The scroll once again turned into a stream of light, returning to the ranks of the sky.

"Spirit skills are good spirit skills, but it's a pity that they are physical skills, not suitable for me."

The half-zhuxiang time passed, Li Yaodao leisurely walked in this snowy world space, grabbing some streamers from time to time. These are all spiritual skills without exception, and the ranks are all around the ground. The highest has even reached the pinnacle of the earth!

But even so, Li Yaodao still shook his head slightly, letting go of the spiritual skills of the top of the ground step in his hand, and his expression was a little disappointed.

"Hey, I want heavenly spiritual skills, right?"

Just as Li Yaodao frowned secretly, Xulong Tunyan turned out, and the hot flame turned into a golden dragon, lying on the boy's shoulder, grinning.

"With your grasping method, after another ten years, I'm afraid I won't be satisfied."

Hearing this, Li Yaodao looked at the little golden dragon on his shoulder in a daze, and was also startled, and said, "You are allowed to be transformed here? Are you afraid of being rejected by this wild gate?"

"Cut, it's just a door to the soul barrier. I'll come if I want to, Lord!" Xulong Tunyan laughed strangely, and immediately swayed the dragon's tail, saying: "Boy, don't waste time, just follow my instructions. Go to the tomb at the forefront!"

Li Yaodao nodded slightly. Since there was a mighty man who was showing the way, he didn't think much about it. The spiritual power of his feet surged, and he quickly swept forward.

Countless streamers passed by. Due to the limited time and the guides, this time Li Yaodao was not interested in catching them one by one.

While heading to the depths of Xuejie's world, Li Yaodao spread out his soul exploration power, forming an invisible soul web, slowly spreading and spreading, as if trying to connect something.

However, no matter how hard Li Yaodao tried to explore, he still couldn't get the slightest feedback. The world here seemed to have not been upgraded, and all were dead, which made him feel a little helpless.

But it's right to think about it. Liuzong has fallen for many years on this day. If a living person suddenly pops out, that would be a strange thing!

"Void Dragon..."

"I'm so good at all!" Xulong Tun Yan suddenly roared, "Call me Long Yan!"

"Oh...Long Yan, do you feel that wasteland tomb is there?" Li Yaodao asked.

"Keep going!" Xulong Tunyan still lay on his shoulders, too lazy to speak.

Li Yaodao curled his lips when he saw this, and wanted to speed up. Suddenly, an old strange laugh came from the depths.

"Quack, after so many years, someone has finally entered here, I'm so excited!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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