"Master, I have enough fun, it's time to send you on the road!"

Knowing that it should not be too late, Li Yaodao pulled out the sky cluster clouds, the meaning of the sky clusters diffused with the blue light, and the sharp rays of light accompanied by the powerful spiritual power of the Sky Profound Realm were unstoppable.

"Li Yaodao, I will kill you when I go out!"

When Lin Tianji saw that the other party was about to kill him, he suddenly yelled, and then his right hand crumpled something quietly, and a spatial light array suddenly appeared around him. The forceful light array spread out and appeared behind him in a blink of an eye.


The light array that appeared behind Lin Tian’s fuselage suddenly burst out with a dazzling, powerful brilliance like needles. Feeling the hot light enveloped, Li Yaodao couldn’t even contend with the light array, so he let go of Lin Tianji in surprise. , The figure flashed back, coming to Zhou Yaoyao's side again.

I saw the light array filled with strong rays of light, and a powerful suction enveloped the extremely angry Lin Tianji. At this moment, the latter cursed a second before entering the light array.

"Li Yaodao, forced me to use the teleportation light array. Lin Tianji's hatred of me has been written down, you wait!"

With the disappearance of the light array, Lin Tianji himself also disappeared.

Seeing that the battle was over, Zhou Jin would not stay, but chose to leave quietly.

Before leaving, he unwound the soul power that suppressed Wang Ling, crushed a jade slip, opened the door of space, and took the angry boy out with him.

Li Yaodao looked towards the direction of the opponent's disappearance in amazement, and immediately couldn't help his face sinking, and said coldly: "As expected from a big family, the escaped babies in his hands are so noble."

This time he just wanted to use the coercion of the Tianliu Sect's spirit formation to kill Lin Tianji and Wang Linzhen here, which is also considered to be cutting the roots.

However, what people never expected is that as a gift from the four major families, there are even teleportation treasures in their hands, and they did not kill the other party. This trouble can be described as endless troubles.

"Brother Dao!"

Zhou Yaoyao ran up holding Xiao Hei and saw that Li Yaodao was not injured, she immediately relieved and said with concern: "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine!" Li Yaodao looked at the direction of those escaping guys, then shook his head slightly, and then looked at the silent Yaoer, clasped his fist and said: "Sorry, I got you involved."

There was nothing wrong with Yao'er, but she was wrong. Standing by Zhou Yaoyao's side, Qin Jue mistakenly thought she was in the same team.

Hearing this, Yaoer's pretty face was stunned, and she immediately smiled charmingly and said: "Chuck, brother, are you worried about me?"

Li Yaodao touched his nose when he heard the words, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it."

Yaoer’s pretty face blushed, she shook her head slightly, and Yan Ran said: “It’s okay. Although the four big families are strong, I am not a vegetarian. The Wasteland is our home field. We are not afraid of them coming. The guy couldn't find Fu Pupong's address either."

Hearing what the other party said, Li Yaodao was only slightly relieved, and he indulged for a few seconds, then turned to look at Zhou Yaoyao next to him, and said: "It seems a bit troublesome, let's go, it is less than three hours before Liutianzong is closed. You directly break through the Sky Profound Realm."

"Going out in a while, those guys will definitely not give up, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhou Yaoyao nodded obediently, and immediately took out her previously obtained Pill of Profound Creation, and meditated on the spot to start her practice.

"The slave family won't accompany you, goodbye, little brother~" Yaoer flashed and disappeared with the puppet.

Seeing that the former left, Li Yaodao had nothing to do with him, so he took out the Remnant of Spiritual Fire and studied it...

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