"Divine Flame?"

When Li Yaodao heard this name, his heart was shocked by these three words, the spirit fire that could cut off the gods?

"Is this fire so awesome? A flame that even gods can extinguish?"

You know, the word **** is like a forbidden word in the ancient continent, but what a kind of BUG existence is that a spiritual fire that even a **** can burn?

And what surprised him even more was that the spiritual fire that even a **** could burn was only ranked second?

"I don't know much about Cai Shenyan. This guy has disappeared for thousands of years since he was reluctantly suppressed by the ancient gods in ancient times."

Xulong Tun Yan’s tone was somewhat solemn, and said: "Moreover, this guy is older than me. It is said that he almost lifted the ashes of the ancient gods back then. I didn’t expect this Spirit Fire Map to be it."

Li Yaodao raised her eyebrows and said, "You guy is ranked third, and that guy is second. You must be stronger."

"Theoretically speaking, I can't beat it with ten." Xulong Tunyan nodded, but his eyes flashed a bit fiercely, and sneered: "But if I swallowed other spirit fires, that wouldn't be the case! "

"Can you still swallow other spirit fires?" Li Yaodao was taken aback.

"Nonsense, I am called Xulong Tunyan, he can swallow all things in the heyday, if you find me ten spiritual fire swallows, it will not be a problem to cut the gods!" Xulong Tunyan roared.

"Don't get excited, just ask with curiosity." Li Yaodao laughed, he could expect to go out and show his power in a while, so don't mess with this master now.

"Humph!" Xulong Tunyan snorted coldly, and continued to entangle on his shoulders.

Li Yaodao retracted the Divine Flame Remnant Picture into the storage space, his eyes shone with a bit of luster, and couldn't help asking: "The first spiritual fire, what is it?"

Xulong Tunyan opened his eyes and then closed them again: "I don't know!"

"Don't make trouble, you don't know, then who can know?" Li Yaodao thought that the other party was talking angry, and grinned: "You are not so stingy!"

"I really don’t know the point. From the beginning to the end, I was the first one. It was only when I became a spiritual fire that I knew that my power was the third. As for who is the first, you just ask the God Yan. I know." Xulong Tunyan snorted coldly, his voice calm.

Seeing that the other party really didn't know, Li Yaodao didn't continue on this topic either. He looked back at the soaring breath of Qianying sitting cross-legged, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It is estimated that in a while, it should be almost the same.

After walking out of the relics of the great wasteland, those two guys are bound to target herself, Zhou Yaoyao will be able to at least have the ability to protect herself when she rises to the Profound Sky Realm without being distracted to protect her.

"I went back to continue training. Burning the map just now consumed 30% of my strength." Xulong Tunyan slid, Jin Yan disappeared and returned to Li Yaodao's body.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "No, there will be some time to use you in a while, can't you do this to me?"

"Why do you burn a map if I don't believe me? It consumes so much?"

He felt that the other party was playing himself, pitting himself!

At this moment, he will fight Lin Tianji and Wang Ling in a while. The strongest trump card in his hand is actually tired. Who is going to make sense?

"Do you think that map is an ordinary material? I don't use my own power, and I can't burn the content at all!" Xulong Tunyan snorted coldly, and then continued impatiently: "It's okay, there was a conflict with you before. Little boy, I saw, if you can't kill you, you'll run to the end, they can't stop it!"

When the words fell, the voice of Xulong Tun Yan gradually disappeared, disconnected from him, leaving Li Yaodao speechless to hide his face.

"Don't take you so cheating..."

"En? Who wants to pit you?"

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded, Zhou Yaoyao, who had finished her cultivation, came behind the former and couldn't help asking, "Who are you talking to?"

"It's okay, it's just a badass guy." Li Yaodao slightly shook his head, looked at the opponent, felt the powerful spiritual power in his body, and smiled: "Two-star Sky Profound Realm, not bad."

"Hee hee, it's not a bad thing to you." Zhou Yaoyao smiled sweetly.

"Brother Dao, it's time to go!" Xiao Hei reminded.

Li Yaodao nodded, looked in the direction of the exit, and said: "Yeah, it's been a long time since I came here, it's time to leave!"

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