Feeling the murderous intention of the insane invasion in the body, and the blood is evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye, Lin Tianji's face changed drastically, and he was very angry.

"It turns out to be here waiting for me!"

Li Yaodao looked at each other indifferently with a knife, and was hit by "a sword to bury the soul." It was basically cool, but this guy was much stronger than himself, so Liang was slower.


Lin Tianji involuntarily took out a golden red pill with a special breath, and quickly put it into his mouth. The majestic spiritual power and soul power in his body spread throughout his body. Although the violent killing intention is strong, Li Yaodao's The spiritual power level is relatively weak. The **** curse in his mouth did not generate, but only caused the slow motion.

If placed in an ordinary cultivator in the Profound Sky Realm, the opponent would have died of a **** curse, but Lin Tianji was able to counteract the curse attack with the aid of the pill and with the advantage of the spiritual power level, which shows that it is not in itself. Ordinary people!

With a soul burial skill, Bleeding Curse is Tianke's powerful enemy at the same level, but it is a pity that Lin Tianji, whose strength has temporarily soared, exceeds the power of the curse in resistance, so he will not die.

It's a pity that Li Yaodao's spiritual power level is a few stars lower, otherwise this sword would be enough to kill Lin Tianji!

call out!

Li Yaodao swung his sword at the same time, and the scarlet sword light burst out again, and immediately after the opponent's slow dodge movement, he cut off the opponent's sleeves, but did not cut off his arms, which was a pity.

The shadow of Lin Tian's body flashed back slightly embarrassed, staring at the black-clothed boy furiously, with extreme anger in his heart and a cold and scary voice.

"No one has ever forced me to this point. You are still the first."

Li Yaodao stood on the ground with the sky cluster cloud in her hands, his face was a little pale, the scarlet knife light faded away, the blue sword light of the sky cluster was diffused, and he sneered: "Oh, is it? Don't worry, if it is possible today, I want to kill it. about you."

After launching "Soul Burial with One Sword" twice in a row, he failed to achieve the effect of killing. He can no longer burn blood to fight because he just ignored Lin Tianji's spiritual power level at this time, which is three to four higher than himself. Star, this gap cannot be made up by the bleeding curse.

You know, those who can be killed by "Soul Burial with One Sword" must have relatively low resistance, and Lin Tianji can resist the bleeding curse, except for his own strong strength, which is the aid of the pill, so it is indirectly weakened. The power of "One Sword Burial Soul".

After all, Li Yaodao knew in his heart that his spiritual power level was too low. If he was in the Eight-Star Sky Profound Realm now, this Lin Tianji would have died 800 times.

But this is enough to explain that this Lin Tianji is worthy of being the supreme genius of the four major families of the central capital. With this strength, he has the capital to be so arrogant.

Lin Tianji clutched his wrists and stared at Li Yaodao while holding Jiansen, his heart frightened.

Although he resisted and offset the **** curse brought by "Soul Burial with a Blade", the feeling of weakness comparable to the sequelae was spread all over his body leisurely, and his combat effectiveness had been compromised.

"Hmph, I admit that you are a little better than those trash, but want to kill me, it is nothing more than a foolish dream." Lin Tianji sneered disdainfully, the light of the scarlet golden sword in his hand spread, ready to launch the next attack.


At the same time, the battle situation on Xiao Hei's side was relatively stalemate, and Wang Ling also had no patience. He didn't know what method was used to forcefully crush something and release some kind of spiritual formation to trap him inside.

At the same time, Wang Ling swept around to join the battlefield between the two, swinging a spear to stab the dazzling spear shadows one after another, making Li Yaodao's situation extremely disadvantaged, and his anger was overwhelming.

"Niezhong Li Yaodao! I want to cut you eight pieces!"

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