Lin Tianji, who was shocked back, firmly held the scarlet gold sword in his right hand, staring coldly at the young man with his right hand holding up the sword-like weapon in his hand, and said angrily: "Zhou Jin, you do that. But very irrational behavior!"

Lin Tianji was shocked and angry about Zhou Jin's sudden intervention, and he was still helping Li Yaodao.

Although he is the strongest genius of the four major families this year, it does not mean that the Lin family is in the central capital, but that he only covers the sky.

Behind the Zhou Jin Dynasty, the Zhou family's background is not inferior to the Lin family.

So this scene, whether it was Lin Tianji or Wang Ling, was never expected.

"Hey, Lin Tianji asks you something, why do you want to help that bastard?" Wang Ling yelled, carrying a bright spear.

I saw Zhou Jin, who was wearing a strong black suit. At this moment, he took the black shuriken condensed with the whirlwind into his hand, stood with his hand held, glanced at Wang Ling lightly, and snorted coldly.

"Wang Ling, just now in the deserted stream, I gave you enough face, don't come to match face, really when I dare not kill you?"

"You!" Wang Ling's expression was sullen, and he squeaked while holding the spear, but he knew in his heart that the most mysterious of the four people belonged to this Zhou Jin!

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Zhou Jin glanced at Wang Ling, then turned around, glanced directly over Li Yaodao, and then looked at Zhou Yide with a solemn expression, holding his fists respectfully.

"Junior Zhou Jin, meet the clan uncle!"

When Li Yaodao heard this, his eyes widened and looked at Zhou Yide, a question mark in his forehead.

Hearing this, even Lin Tianji, who was standing opposite and aggressive, had a change in their expressions. They didn't expect that the later Zhou Yide was actually from the Zhou family of the central capital?

"Do you have any impression of Zhou Yide?" Wang Ling's eyebrows condensed, and he asked the youth in the green shirt next to him.

On the other hand, Lin Tianji, whose face was uncertain, gave him a faint glance: "You don't even know, can I know?"

"Uncle Clan?" Zhou Yaoyao, who was standing in the distance watching, couldn't help but rushed forward and came to Zhou Yide's side. Seeing her father's complex expression, she couldn't help asking: "Daddy, you... .what's the situation?"

Zhou Yide heard the words and shook the silver knife in the handshake, looked at the black-clothed youth who respectfully arched his hand in front of him, took a deep breath, and said, "Your Excellency, you may have admitted the wrong person."

"The clan uncle left the family fifteen years ago, when the younger generation was five years old, but the clan uncle's breath, and the treasure Zhou Xuan knife in his hand, Zhou Jin will not admit it." Zhou Jin's voice was firm, without hesitation.

Li Yaodao shook the sky Congyun in the handshake, feeling very shocked in his heart. I didn't expect things to turn around like this...

"Daddy, are you really a member of the Zhou family?" Zhou Yaoyao was also surprised. She never expected that her father would be so hardworking?

Zhou Yide looked a little evasive, as if he didn't want to say more.

Zhou Jin was so clever, he bowed his hand slightly, respectfully said: "Uncle clan rest assured, today I am here, no one will be difficult for you and that demon knife brother."

"Not even those guys!"

Zhou Jin's voice is loud, confident and steady, so that everyone can hear clearly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who was watching the excitement from a distance was suddenly in an uproar, and they all mentioned their interest for a while. They all wanted to see what Lin Tianji would do and plan.

The scene where Li Yaodao was suddenly changed, almost flashed his own wants, and he never expected that Yi De's hidden identity this week would be so big!

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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