"Please me?"

Li Yaodao looked startled when he heard the words, and immediately said with a smile: "We are all good friends. As long as I can do it, we will definitely help!"

Zhou Yaoyao's pretty face was slightly startled, her teeth bite, and she whispered in a soft voice: "So it's a good friend..."

"What did you say?" Li Yaodao asked without hearing clearly.

"Well, it's nothing." Zhou Yaoyao shook her head lightly, smiled sweetly, and said: "My father wants to ask you to help treat the disease of the current Patriarch of the Zhou family in the central capital. That is his father's own brother..."

"The disease of the lord of the Zhou family in the central capital?" Li Yaodao nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said: "Well, if I can, I will definitely help, and leave it to me."

He put the Zhou family token into the storage space, looked at the white-clothed girl in front of him, pondered for a few seconds, and said: "Yaoyao, I will leave the wasteland tonight, so you have to go back to the hospital by yourself."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaoyao's pretty face changed slightly, she bit her lip and nodded gently: "I know."

"Also, this Star Ding..." Li Yaodao just wanted to return the Star Ding to the opponent, but Zhou Yaoyao refused.

"Brother Dao, there is no alchemist in our family. This Xingchending should be regarded as a thank you gift. Besides, you also need this now. This is what my father meant. I hope I don't refuse."

"Okay! In the future, if I have a suitable alchemy cauldron, I will send the star cauldron back." Li Yaodao heard the words and pondered for a few seconds, then smiled and nodded, turning around to leave, Qing Li followed.

"Brother Dao!"

In vain, Zhou Yaoyao seemed to have exhausted all her courage and stopped the other party.

Li Yaodao turned around, looked at the slender Qianying, smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yaoyao's pretty face was blushing at this moment, but she knew that this was her only chance, so she mustered up the courage to step forward and seriously said: "Brother Dao, I...may I hug you?"

With that, she seemed to be afraid of opposition from the other party, so she directly stepped forward and hugged the boy's arms, tightly hugging his waist with her slender hands.

Li Yaodao was suddenly overwhelmed by this scene. After feeling the girl's affection, he couldn't help sighing inwardly, and gently hugged the girl with his backhand, as if he was comforting.

Qing Li looked a bit inexplicable from the side, but for some reason, she suddenly felt sour in her heart.

"This **** contract!" She knew that this was the binding force deep in her soul at work, and she simply turned around and looked away.

At that time, Zhou Yaoyao opened Li Yaodao lightly and asked softly: "Brother Dao, can I still see you in the future?"

Li Yaodao looked startled when he heard the words, then smiled and nodded, and said, "Don't worry, it must be possible!"

He pointed to the brightest star high in the sky ahead, and said: "In my hometown, the brightest star is called the North Star. When you want to see me, look at the North Star. Maybe, then I I'm also watching you."

"Polaris?" Zhou Yaoyao turned to look at the brightest star in the sky above the Wild City, smiled and turned around: "Brother Dao, I..."

At the same time, Li Yaodao and Qingli had disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Yaoyao was a little flustered when she saw it, but she really couldn't feel the breath of the other party, and she suddenly lost her heart. Finally, she turned to look at the brightest star and whispered: "But Brother Dao, I want to say, I like you. .."


On the other side of the Silent Forest, Qing Li waved his slender hand, and the surrounding azure barrier dissipated. Li Yaodao walked out of it, looked at the system map, rubbed his chin with his right hand, and fell into thought.

"Hey, you asked me to take you away so suddenly without saying a word. Isn't it good for the girl?" Qing Li asked Xiao Hei slightly teasing her left hand.

"For some things, it is better not to involve too deeply." After Li Yaodao locked the position on the map, he pointed to the eastern position.

"There is a flying monster beast field there. Let's take the flying monster beast to Yangdu."

"Whatever, I have nothing to do anyway." Qing Li shrugged, saying that it didn't matter.

At the same time, Xulong Tunyan turned into a golden dragon and entangled on Li Yaodao's shoulder, sighing, "It's a coincidence, boy, the girl who separated from you just now is not easy."

"Unexpectedly, I would meet here, the future of that girl...Tsk!"

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