Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 414: Please start your performance

As Li Yaodao's voice fell, the entire conference hall suddenly fell into silence, and several chuckles came out immediately after landing.

The other directors are all okay, and they have to respect Li Yaodao's identity, but as colleagues, those alchemists sitting on the other side of the VIP seat all sneered disdainfully.

"Have you heard? This kid is fighting for jobs with us. They are still in the second and third ranks. This kid still wants to participate. It's so funny."

"It's really interesting, thinking I can practice a few hands to break the pill, I think I can be arrogant?"

"Little Wawa, I advise you to go home and practice for a few more years. Have you mastered one percent of your fire control proficiency?"

Several voices of disdain and sneer were all against Li Yaodao. What these alchemists said were all defiant figures. Even if they were placed in the central capital, they were not lowly in status, but now they are treated by an unknown young man. Sit down to look up, which makes them quite unhappy.

President Luo frowned slightly when he saw the momentum. He felt that Li Yaodao was somewhat impulsive. He just came here to provoke other alchemists, but it was a very unwise choice.

As the other directors of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, they unexpectedly chose to be silent at this moment, quietly watching the alchemists enshrined in the Chamber of Commerce compete.

Because they are also very curious whether this young man named Li Yaodao is qualified to sit on an equal footing with other alchemists who worshipped.

The development of the matter, everything is as expected, Li Yaodao calculated that these shrewd directors were waiting for him to take action, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

If this is the case, then you can only wrong these clamoring alchemists.

I saw Li Yaodao turned around, looked at the white-robed old man at the end, smiled lightly: "Speaking of proficiency in fire control, you must be very proficient."

"Hmph, that's natural, the old man's fire control technique has few opponents at the same level!" The white-robed old man snorted disdainfully, with a long white beard brushing his right hand, with an indifferent expression.

Li Yaodao nodded slightly, grinned, and said: "Very well, since we are all alchemists, then we will compare fire control techniques to know if we are qualified."

As soon as these words came out, the alchemist's seat sneered and laughed one after another.

"Haha, did you hear that? This kid wants to challenge Master Lu. He really does not live or die."

"Hehe, boy, even if you challenge, you should challenge the same. Master Lu is the strongest alchemist in the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. I wonder if you should be called reckless or brave?"

"Hehe, it's interesting, dare to challenge Master Lu, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

Li Yaodao ignored the sarcasm from other alchemists, but instead focused on the white-robed old man, and said with a faint smile: "Master Lu, since people say that you are the strongest in the Chamber of Commerce, why don't you plan to make a move?"

"You are not qualified to let the old man take action." The white-robed old man still sat there wiping his white beard on his own, his voice indifferent.

Li Yaodao smiled lightly: "Are you afraid?"

Master Lu suddenly blew his beard and stared, and said angrily: "Haha, joke, will the old man be afraid of you?"

"Hmph, this kid is too rampant, Master Lu, give him a lesson!"

"Yes, Master Lu, you can't bear this, this kid is too arrogant."

Several other alchemists were fanning the flames and loving face, Master Lu, squinting at this moment, immediately stood up, looked at the sun and smiled at the black-clothed teenager, and said coldly.

"Okay, I'll compare it with you. Flame has no eyes, little baby, if you die, don't blame the old man!"

Li Yaodao Sunshine smiled undiminished, and silently stretched out his right hand, making a please gesture.

As if to say, please start your performance.

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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