When Li Yaodao said this, the other alchemists on the scene suddenly looked hard, and they tended to be hard to get off the ground. They could only smile silently and sorrowfully, arching their hands at Li Yaodao slightly to show respect.

Just kidding, even the strongest Master Lu here was beaten out of the wall with a single move. Their fire control skills are not as good as others, so go to Li Yaodao trouble? Isn't it a long life?

"Master Lu, are you okay?!"

One of the directors suddenly rushed out with a panic on his face. Obviously, Master Lu, he definitely worshipped him. He didn't dare to offend Li Yaodao, who is stronger than Master Lu, so he could only run out to see Master Lu's situation. how is it.

"Little friend Yaodao, you may be a bit heavier this time..." Director Luo's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Li Yaodao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Uncle Luo don't worry, I didn't make a heavy hand. I just invited Master Lu out. If there is no accident, that guy should be turned to ashes."

He didn't say these words at all. Li Yaodao had only used the Black Sky Fire before. If he directly used the Ancient Nether Fire or the Void Dragon Tun Yan, Master Lu would instantly become ashes.

"It's just right, I think it's just right." Yaxin smiled, elegant and moving, adding a bit of beauty to the conference hall.

"Make these guys crazy, this time I kicked the iron plate." Yaxin sneered in her heart. These guys are arrogant because of their identities as worship alchemists. Now they meet Li Yaodao. Instead, he became honest immediately.

It's really enough to slap your face.

President Luo heard that his facial muscles twitched a few times again, and smiled bitterly: "After defeating Master Lu, you are now the strongest alchemist in the Chamber of Commerce. Everything you say is right."

Li Yaodao turned his eyes to Director Lan, who had already stood up, and smiled: "This director, am I eligible to participate in the team that treats the Zhou family leader?"


The door opened, and Li Yaodao returned to Yaxin’s private room. Before he had time to speak, he saw a fragrant and beautiful breeze coming towards him. Qingli threw himself into the boy’s arms and said dissatisfied: Long? Do you want to run?"

Looking at the person in his arms and feeling the abundance of the touch in front of him, Li Yaodao gave a dry cough and pulled him away, his face flushed and said, "Cut, I'm not afraid of you, why am I running?"

"Huh? Is it?" Qing Li said mischievously, Qingli looked outside the door, and asked in confusion: "Where is the big sister named Yaxin?"

"Sister Yaxin has other things to deal with, so I will come back by myself."

Li Yaodao walked into the room and picked up the water cup and drank. "What? Do you still want to play the role of your own weak girl?"

"Hey, it's not necessary for the scene, I will help you this time, I will definitely get the money, I'm so cute."

Seeing that Yaxin didn't follow, Qingli resumed the appearance of a little witch, ran around, and finally jumped up from behind to grab Li Yaodao's neck, and said affectionately: "Dear Brother Dao, where are we going next?"

"Where else to go, of course it is the Alchemist Guild!" Putting down the water cup, Li Yaodao shook the black gold card in his hand, and said proudly: "Your Brother Dao, I am a rich man now!"

Central Capital Alchemist Guild

As a place comparable to a sacred place in the central capital, in front of the huge circular Gothic building, Li Yaodao looked up, looking up at the simple and elegant characters of the Alchemist Guild, and the crowds coming and going.

"It deserves to be the most authoritatively certified force in the mainland. This building is truly domineering."

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