Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 424: I want to assess the fourth product

"The third-rank pinnacle pill, Lan Xuan pill, the color is so good, it is a genius to be a teenager, such an enviable alchemy talent, the old man admires it!" Ji Changqing returned the pill to Li Yaodao, applauding.

Even if he personally refined the third-rank pinnacle pill, he couldn't guarantee 100% success, but the boy in front of him succeeded, which really surprised him.

As soon as Ji Changqing said this, the four people died instantly.

Sanpin pinnacle pill!

When these words appeared, whether it was Zhou Xue or other passers-by who were observing, they all took a breath and were surprised.

Even Ji Changqing was so sure that the other passers-by who had ridiculed before left suddenly and desperately, for fear of being missed by the boy in black.

Zhou Xue glanced at the third-rank inferior pill that she had worked so hard to refine, and in a blink of an eye the light was suppressed by Li Yaodao's third-rank pinnacle pill. She bit her teeth and said that her heart was not uncomfortable. It was impossible.

Third-rank inferior, and third-rank pinnacle, although they are both third-rank, their meaning is far away!

At that time, Ji Changqing arched his hands and said solemnly: "Dare to ask the little friend's name?"

"Li Yaodao!" The boy replied casually without thinking.

"Little friend Li Yaodao, congratulations to your third-rank alchemy master for passing the assessment. Please go with Zhou Xue to change your badge with the old man." Ji Changqing smiled, with a gentle and friendly attitude.

He didn't deliberately please Li Yaodao, but he had a love for talent. He could refine the third-rank peak pill at such a young age. Ji Changqing had only seen such talents in one person.

That person is the strongest genius in the Lin family's history, Lin Tianji!

Seeing that the other party turned around and wanted to leave, Yaodao Li looked startled and suddenly said, "Uh, please wait..."

Hearing this, the passers-by who were going to disperse all stopped and watched.

Ji Changqing turned around, smiled at the boy in black, and said, "Little friend Li Yaodao, is there anything else?"

Zhou Xue also turned around questioningly, looking at the black-clothed boy, her eyebrows frowned, and she couldn't help asking, "What else are you doing?"

Although she was still a little bit dissatisfied with the boy's previous events, she has no longer had her previous cold emotions and is relatively calm.

Li Yaodao touched his nose, and couldn't bear the feeling of being watched by many eyes. He couldn't help but said: "Vice President, I want to try the certification assessment of the Fourth Stage Alchemist."

As soon as the words came out, the four fell into a dead silence again, and the needle dropped. Everyone's eyes widened as if they were looking at a monster. Looking at Li Yaodao, many people could not say anything surprised.

Zhou Xue's pretty face changed slightly, and an unbelievable surprise finally appeared in her energetic eyes.

Ji Changqing was even more stunned for a second when he heard the words, and there was a hint of urgency in his voice, and asked: "Little friend, are you sure you want to assess the fourth-rank alchemist status in our central capital alchemist guild?"

"Let me tell you first, alchemists below Rank 4 are completely free and will not be labeled as regions, but if you are assessed for Rank 4 qualifications and successfully certified, you will be able to walk on the mainland in the future. You are the alchemist who walked out of the Alchemy Master Guild of the Central Capital."

"Actually, I suggest that you can go to Danta in the mainland of the Central State for the assessment, so your identity and status will be improved a lot!"

Hearing this explanation, Li Yaodao shook his head slightly and said, "I belong to the Eastern Continent. The Central Continent is too far away. I have other things to do."

"Excuse me, can I go to evaluate and certify the fourth-rank alchemist now?"

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