Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 427: Fourth Stage Alchemist

When the two figures intertwined, the eyes of the teenager and the girl looked at each other intentionally or unconsciously. The yellow-haired girl’s eyes like pure water were a little surprised, because she found that in the black pupil of the teenager, Unintelligible clear and profound.

Li Yaodao also deliberately or unintentionally looked at the yellow-clothed girl, and his heart was equally surprised, but he was surprised at the strength of the opponent's soul fluctuations. Although the opponent did not release, as a person of reincarnation for several generations, his soul power was extremely sensitive. So it can be felt naturally.

The two sides just took a quick glance, and then they staggered away. Li Yaodao's expression remained calm and he still followed Ji Changqing and left.

As for the yellow-haired girl, as she was about to go downstairs, she slightly headed towards the thin figure in black clothes that was getting further and further away from her. For some reason, she felt an unspeakable feeling, and her eyebrows frowned. Go downstairs slowly.

Entering Ji Changqing's office, it is a bit spacious, and it is no problem to accommodate dozens of people at the same time. The neatly arranged bookshelves are filled with books on immortality, and there are many books on medicinal materials.

Ji Changqing sat in his place, took out the two badges at the same time, used his spiritual power to control them to float, and float in front of Li Yaodao and the whole body respectively.

"These are the third-rank badge and the fourth-rank badge. You have to keep it away. If this thing is lost, it will be very troublesome to replace it." Ji Changqing said seriously.

"Yes, teacher!" Zhou Xue accepted the badge with joy, and immediately could not wait to take off the second-grade badge on the slender arm, and immediately replaced it with the latest third-grade.

Looking at the Fourth-Rank badge in his hand, the corner of Li Yaodao's mouth raised slightly.

From this moment on, he was also a genuine fourth-rank alchemist.

Ji Changqing glanced at the black-clothed boy with satisfaction.

Such a young fourth-rank alchemist, not to mention the central capital, is an extremely rare existence in the entire Eastern Continent, and it is a sweet pastry for all major forces.

"Little friend demon sword, this is your alchemist robe, it can fit automatically according to your figure, go inside and change it." Ji Changqing waved his hand, and a white robe flew over and said.

Taking the white robe, Li Yaodao hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Can I not wear this?"

Because he could clearly feel that this so-called alchemist robe was just a status symbol. It had to be defensive but not defensive, and had no attributes. Compared with the black coat and scales on his body, it seemed too trash.

"This is personal freedom, but you have to accept this robe. If you have a chance to go to the Central State in the future, you will use it." Ji Changqing didn't care about it.

"Teacher, do you think I can make the top ten in this prosperous world?" Zhou Xueyan said.

"It's hard to say, but if you perform supernormally, you still have a chance." Ji Changqing nodded.

Zhou Xue smiled vigorously and said: "There should not be many third-rank alchemists like me in the Eastern Continent. I still have a chance, hehe."

Ji Changqing smiled and shook his head, and said to Zhou Xue: "Xiaoxue, you go back first, I have something to talk to little friend Yaodao."

"Oh..." Zhou Xue nodded when she heard the words, and then turned and left. A second before she walked out of the office and closed the door, she still looked at the straight and thin figure, and finally closed the door gently.

Seeing that there were only two people left in the office, Li Yaodao looked at the white-robed old man and asked, "Old Ji, is there anything else?"

Hearing this, Elder Ji pondered for a moment, and said: "I don't know how little friend Yaodao, do you know that the alchemy world is a grand event for alchemists once every three years?"

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