Upon seeing this, Ji Changqing smiled and looked at the teenager, and said: "Participating in the competition is nothing to the little friends, and the old man promises you that he will save you time and go to the Nuclear Institute of Henggu College to fulfill the agreement as soon as possible. "

If Li Yaodao, who was entangled, said in his heart that he was not interested in this competition, it would be completely impossible.

But compared to the Alchemy Master Competition, Li Yaodao was more yearning for Henggu Academy. Although everything was a gambling element, he felt that the girl should still be there.

His original plan was to verify the identity of the alchemist and set off directly to Henggu Academy, but listening to the meaning of Ji Changqing's words, if he wanted to see Long Yiwu, he would most likely have to practice in the outer courtyard for three years.

In three years, the cucumber vegetables are obviously cold!

If you participate in this competition, although there will be some delay at the moment, it is insignificant compared with the long time of three years. Moreover, with Ji Changqing's help, it seems that he has taken advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Li Yaodao silently glanced at the old guy and said, "When will the competition be held?"

"Three days later, during this time, the little friends can live in the VIP lounge of the guild." Ji Changqing was delighted when he heard the words, and his smile was as bright as a chrysanthemum.

"I can say yes first. If there is no benefit, I will not participate in this competition." Li Yaodao said calmly and slowly.

He himself belongs to the Demon God Mountain Range, not to the Central Capital. If there is no benefit, who will help them?

"Don't worry, little friend, you can talk to the old man if you have any needs, but you can discuss it with the guild." Ji Changqing smiled and nodded. He also understands the world, so he doesn't feel unreasonable.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao took out a prescription, handed it to Ji Changqing, and said, "I need the above medicinal materials, don't you know if there are in the guild?"

After taking the quaint scroll of prescriptions, Ji Changqing read it, and was a little surprised: "Six-pin pill, six-vein emperor pill? The medicinal materials required for this pill are extremely precious and rare."

"Yes." Li Yaodao nodded.

If it were ordinary, he would have gathered it a long time ago. After so long of searching, he only got a cold iceweed. Even Li Yaodao himself couldn't stand the progress of the collection.

Handing the prescription back to the boy, Ji Changqing fell into silence, walking back and forth, seeming to weigh something.

Li Yaodao looked at the other party so entangled, and couldn't help asking: "Don't just refine a sixth-grade pill, isn't it such a big alchemist guild, there is no one at all?"

"It's not nothing, but a little trouble." Ji Changqing rubbed his chin, then sighed, as if made up his mind, looked at the young man, nodded and said: "As long as the little friend agrees to the old man, rush into the top ten to occupy a seat , I can take care of this for you!"

Upon hearing this, Li Yaodao nodded slightly and smiled: "Then this matter will trouble Ji Lao."

"Hey, there's no way to ask others." Ji Changqing smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said immediately: "However, I can only help you find one of the materials. You also know that the refining materials of these six-grade pill Very precious and rare."

"One is victory, thank you Ji Lao." Li Yaodao slightly arched his hand, expressing his gratitude.

If you let him find it by himself, I don't know how long to find it.

Since the two reached a consensus, Li Yaodao didn't delay too much. Before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but turn around and asked, "Old Ji, the girl who came out of the president's room before is also my ally?"

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