Facing a look in Long Sanxue's eyes, many old students present felt a bit surprised after feeling the meaning in the girl's eyes.

Obviously, the first goddess of the water court is giving them a warning.

The meaning in his eyes was very obvious. Whoever dared to make trouble during Li Yaodao's alchemy would inevitably be beaten!

In the audience, a group of old students looked at each other, but they were not dissatisfied with Long Sanxue, but cast such incompetent angry gazes one after another at Li Yaodao who was preparing to make alchemy.

In their opinion, all the reasons were due to Li Yaodao.

If Li Yaodao had mind-reading skills and knew the strange ideas of this group of people, he would surely scream in secret.

Seeing that everything was ready, Li Yaodao stretched out the right hand covered by the soul power protective layer and gestured.


Upon seeing this, Long Sanxue didn't understand the other party's meaning, and tilted her head slightly. His natural and dull appearance, coupled with an extremely beautiful face, made people feel softened.

"I want to borrow your spiritual fire..." Li Yaodao shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but explain, but his heart was really dumbfounding.

I take care of you, what the **** is it for you to tilt your head and kill...

"Are you going to borrow my spirit fire?" Long Sanxue felt a little bit clumsy when he heard the words of the young man, still tilted his head, with a pretty face and said, "You are not afraid of my fire, you can kill it directly. You?"

"If I'm afraid, I won't care about you getting angry, trust me." Li Yaodao shook his head, and the sun smiled.

For some reason, facing the sunny smile of Junyi boy, Long Sanxue always had an illusion.

It feels like he always looks confident, which makes her feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"Then if you died accidentally, don't come to me at night." Long Sanxue still tilted her head slightly, and Li Yaodao's cold sweat broke out with that serious words.

"Don't worry, if I accidentally disappeared, I will definitely not find you." Li Yaodao smiled awkwardly and politely, embarrassed in his heart.

Good guy, just borrow a fire, this chat is too scary, I feel that if you continue to chat, you have to chat to yourself...

With the face of the teenager with a confident smile, Long Sanxue's pretty face was still confused, but she still raised her delicate hand obediently, only to hear a "shoo" sound, snow-white spiritual fire, and Xue Lingyan released.

Feeling the fierce and icy snow spirit flames permeating the girl's body, Li Yaodao didn't care at all, and immediately under the surprised gaze of many old students in the audience, he stretched out his right hand to take it.

Facing Xue Lingyan, he didn't swallow Li Yaodao in an instant, but jumped from his own hand to the young man's. Long Sanxue's serious and pretty face was also somewhat confused.

However, when she looked at the boy's hand again, she suddenly understood it again.

It turned out that Li Yaodao's hand had long been attached with a strong protective barrier of soul power to prevent external spiritual fire from eroding his skin.

"But... it is useful for you to do this?" Long Sanxue was slightly puzzled.

Everyone knows that spiritual fire is a flame bred from heaven and earth. It belongs to the kind of existence that absolutely breaks defenses. The soul barrier can resist for a while, but it does not mean that it can resist forever!

"Something is better than nothing." Li Yaodao grinned, turned his head, and looked at Xue Lingyan on his palm, and the traces of golden dragon flame passed by in his eyes.

The next second, something strange happened...

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