Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 738: I want to challenge you

Facing Li Yaodao's approach, many veterans around were dumbfounded at this moment. They were absolutely nothing. This guy who had just entered the nuclear academy had such strength.

Even Long Sanxue hadn't made a fifth-grade perfect pill, but this young man had made it!

This is enough to show that Li Yaodao's alchemy talent has surpassed most senior students in the Nuclear Academy!

Everyone present is not a fool. At this moment, some of them dare not look at Li Yaodao's eyes. People who are close to each other can't even contend with the other's power and aura, and directly retreat.

Now they felt hot on their faces, Li Yaodao used practical actions to give them a lesson without telling them, and by the way, he gave them a silent blow.

Seeing that there was no more cynicism in the whole body, Li Yaodao also tried to be quiet, and the things he had predicted before were also achieved.

Just now, Li Yaodao didn’t want to refine this pill, because he knew that he would definitely succeed. Although it is difficult to refine a sixth-grade pill, it is easy to refine a fifth-grade pill. happy!

Moreover, Li Yaodao had another purpose in refining this pill, and that was to play a silent deterrent effect.

He found that ever since he came to this nuclear institute, he originally wanted to keep a low profile, but always encounters trouble. Later, he directly changed his policy and used this high-profile alchemy, first to block the mouths of a group of people. In this case, the trouble around him, It can also reduce a lot.

Everything was exactly as Li Yaodao expected. This group of old students who had been ridiculing and ridiculing before were more speechless, because the appearance of the fifth-grade perfect pill made them understand.

Li Yaodao's strength is no longer what they can compare!

It's not just the difference in spiritual power level. The biggest difference is Li Yaodao's fifth-rank alchemist status, which is enough to overwhelm all the veteran students in the Celestial Void Realm.

The title of a fifth-rank alchemist, not to mention the perfect fifth-rank refiner, even if he is a powerhouse of the Immortal Ascension realm, he must be polite to Li Yaodao now.

Because no one is going back and stupid enough to provoke a high-rank alchemist at will, that is tantamount to stabbing a hornet's nest!

On the platform, Long Sanxue looked at the pill on his hand, and immediately turned his eyes to the teenager who walked out of the field, and suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

Li Yaodao stopped, turned around, looked at the blue-haired **** the stage, smiled and said: "What? Do you have any doubts?"

call out!

I saw Long Sanxue's figure flashing out, and with the blue light flashing, he came to Li Yaodao in a blink of an eye, took the young man's hand, and put the Apocalypse Huanyu Pill originally handed over to him in the other's hand. on.

Seeing the pill returned to his hand again, Li Yaodao looked at the girl in front of him inexplicably and couldn't help asking, "What? You don't need this pill? It's useless if I keep it."

"No! I want to do it myself. You do it. I don't want it. And I already understand what you did before." Long Sanxue shook his head, and immediately looked at the young Junyi's face seriously, seriously. color.

Seeing the girl's calm and steady and serious appearance, Li Yaodao couldn't tell whether the other party was happy or angry. He scratched the bridge of his nose lightly, nodded and said, "Well then, help you succeed."

Li Yaodao turned around to leave, but was held back again. He turned around helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "What else is there?"

I saw Long Sanxue step forward, approaching the teenager, and said every word: "I want to challenge you!"

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