"It's okay, don't let you compare it for nothing, if you can beat me, I will unconditionally promise you anything." Long Sanxue looked at Li Yaodao calmly and seriously.

Hearing this, Li Yaodao raised her brows and looked at the girl who was a little shorter than herself, grinning: "Then what if I lose?"

"If you lose, give that Apocalypse Universal Pill to me!" Long Sanxue replied.

"Whatever you look at, it's all I am right. What's the point of your comparison." Li Yaodao couldn't laugh or cry.

This Tianqi Huanyu Pill was useless by himself. He originally made it and gave it to the opponent, but Long Sanxue's victory conditions were only for this.

"Relax, I won't let you look right, you won't agree to compare with me at all." Long Sanxue said seriously as if he had expected everything.

Li Yaodao raised his brows lightly and grinned: "How do you say?"

"Because you can't beat me at all."

Hearing that the girl was so confident, Li Yaodao was also secretly surprised, and immediately smiled: "How confident are you?"

"Yes, I'm very confident, you won't win me at all." Long Sanxue nodded earnestly, with a steady and pretty face, full of confidence.

Looking at the girl's confident and steady snow-blue eyes, Li Yaodao thought inwardly, without hesitating too much, and immediately nodded: "Okay, I'll take it, but you have to wait for me to find you after I get out of practice."

Why don't you give me the benefits?

Moreover, Li Yaodao agreed to compete with Long Sanxue, but he actually had some selfishness.

That is, I now have the materials for refining the Six-Medition Emperor Pill, but if my strength is unable to break through the Immortal Ascension Realm, I am afraid that the failure rate is still high.

If he wins Long Sanxue's so-called alchemy competition, he can ask Long Sanxue to combine himself to refine the Six-Medical Emperor Pill.

As long as the Six Meridian Emperor Ji Pill is refined, and the insidious poison that seals the "Blood Rage" in the body will be easily disintegrated, even if it is a powerful person in the world, he will have the power to fight!

Thinking of this, Li Yaodao couldn't recognize it and smiled.

"Why are you giggling? Think you are determined to win?" Long Sanxue habitually tilted his head slightly, looking at the boy's snow-blue eyes, passing a little inexplicably.

"Ahem... it's nothing." Li Yaodao, who came back to his senses, used a dry cough to cover up his embarrassment, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, that's it."

Long Sanxue lightly tapped her head, and immediately stretched out her slender jade hand, revealing her little finger.

Seeing this, Li Yaodao looked at the girl in a daze. He didn't understand the other party's operation and couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

"Retract." Long Sanxue looked at the young man inexplicably, and said seriously: "In case you suddenly let me dove out, I can find you, and then there is a reason to beat you up to relieve your anger."

Hearing that, the corner of Li Yaodao's mouth twitched slightly, just imagine that an extremely beautiful girl tells you seriously.

If you miss an appointment, she will blow you up...

"Don't worry, I won't miss the appointment. There is still the most basic moral bottom line for being a man." Li Yaodao raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and immediately extended her little finger to hook the girl's little finger.

Listening to the boy's words, Long Sanxue raised her pretty face, looked at Li Yaodao seriously, tilted her head slightly, and asked her soul: "Isn't it right? Listening to my elder sister, you don't seem to be a talented person."

"Since you are not human, how can you have human morality and bottom line?"

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