A few more hours passed in the blink of an eye during the time of cultivation, and Li Yaodao felt that his experience value was steadily increasing, and how refreshing he was to be replaced.

Because of this increased sense of refreshment, people have a kind of indescribable extreme comfort that emerges from the depths of the soul!

Of course, just when Li Yaodao wanted to continue to increase his experience, he had to interrupt his thoughts of cultivation because of various external factors, and was completely broken.

In the following time, the sky above the originally lively profound formation suddenly became unusually quiet when a group of people broke in.

The leader of this group of uninvited guests is a woman dressed in pink leather velvet. The appearance of the woman is quite outstanding. The beautiful girl has a standard face with melon seeds, a small cherry mouth, like a willow eyebrow, and big watery eyes. .

She has a slender and pretty figure and is about twenty years old. She looks quite young, which is pleasing and comfortable for others to see.

Therefore, it wouldn't be weird why there are always some people like flower protectors around her.

After all, in the nuclear institute, except for the many girls in the water institute, the other institutes have few cheeks, and the beautiful girls are the sweet buns in the nuclear institute that are scrambled by many geniuses.

No matter where you go, beauty is always more likely to be noticed and sought after.

Surrounded by stars in the best position, the pretty face of this pink leather velvet woman always has a quiet and sweet smile, and she looks relatively approachable to others.

However, if a careful person sees it, he can read a little bit of contentment and vanity from that artificial smile.

That kind of view is the true evaluation of this vain woman secretly by many people after putting aside the halo that her brother put on him.

Vanity is always the most irresistible thing for women. Seeing many talented male students around her, the corners of the furry girl's mouth curled up slightly without leaving any traces.

Obviously, this woman enjoys the feeling of being held in her hand.

"Look, isn't that Guo Aoxue?"

"Guo Aoxue? That green tea girl who is famous in the nuclear institute?"

"Hush! You are so quiet, I was almost killed by you. Didn't you see the people around them, are they all fierce?"

"Hey, a little green tea that relies on his elder brother, regardless of appearance and temperament, whether it is compared with the three goddesses of the Long Family, or compared with the Yanyue senior sister, it is not comparable!"

"Haha, brother, take a picture of yourself, although Guo Aoxue is not as good as those goddesses, but it is also quite outstanding. You look down on others, and they even look down on you!"

With the arrival of the woman in the pink suede skirt and the followers of the Xuanzhen high-level cultivation area, the whispering around him suddenly disappeared.

Don't look at the woman who is showing a sweet smile now, but she is very careful in her heart. If she hates the person, regardless of sex, unless there is a strong person on the top of the sky, the end will not be very miserable...

Guo Aoxue, who flew by along the way, with soft and sweet eyes, stared at the students who were looking at him, those who were not steadfast in their minds, their faces flushed a little, and then they looked away in confusion.

Seeing the male students along the way, seeing his beautiful face, his gaze became a little dodge, Guo Aoxue chuckled lightly, looking very proud and satisfied...

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