Seeing Bai Shao beginning to stand up for herself, Guo Aoxue's mouth quietly set off a glimpse of vanity, and she looked at the young demon tiger who flew to the profound formation that Li Yaodao was practicing, and her voice was soft.

"Baishao, just give it a lesson, don't do it too hard."

She was in a good mood today, so she didn't want to see the bloodshed, which affected her mood.

"Hey, rest assured Xue'er, I just let him understand some precautions when going out. Brother Guo Qin said, let me protect you when I am fine. You are his sister. I will not let you if I let you go. Feeling wronged at all."

Hearing Bai Shao's voice and attitude in awe of Guo Qin's name, Guo Aoxue couldn't help but pursed her mouth. In the watery eyes, there was a little smug that was difficult to detect by others.

That aggressive and domineering man has been protecting himself since childhood. As a younger sister, the name of Guo Qin has long been buried in his heart like a patron saint.

Although the brothers and sisters came to the Nuclear Academy all the way to study, for Guo Aoxue, the suitors around him have been in an endless stream.

But these people, compared with the aggressive and domineering man who was on the top of the list, looked much bleak.

Even the Baixiao who always surrounds him, in the eyes of Guo Aoxue, is far less than one percent of his brother!

Without too much delay, Bai Shao slowly flew over the profound formation, clenching his right fist, and slammed into the seal on the profound formation, accompanied by a whistling sound of fierce spiritual power.


Suddenly, the strong and majestic fist wind slammed on the seal barrier, although there would be no tendency to damage the slightest, but the impact force of the fist wind's spiritual power whistling can oscillate inside the seal.

The heavy fist wind resounded in this area.

Obviously, Bai Shao's fierce tiger fist was definitely not as "light" as it said.

The turbulent and majestic whistling sound, which lasted for about a minute or so, gradually dispersed, but the power of the seal that blocked the profound formation had not changed at all.

Everything is like still water, without the slightest wave mark.

In the profound formation, the dragon body was turning white, and the slumbering dragon Tun Yan was awakened by the shock wave of the shocking force just now, thinking it was an earthquake, and it was frightened. Jumped up.

"What's wrong? Damn, scare my uncle!" Xulong Tunyan slowly flew up, looking outside the profound formation, the sealing power spreading like a ripple crazily.

Obviously, someone must have tried to destroy the sealing power that protects the profound formation before, but it must have failed.

At this moment, Li Yaodao suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside the profound formation. Although he didn't know who it was, he still closed his eyes and didn't seem to care.

Xulong Tunyan looked at the young man who was sitting cross-legged in amazement, and said in amazement: "No, boy, are you so good-tempered now?"

"People have hit the door, so you can still cultivate calmly?"

In his understanding, Li Yaodao seemed to really not belong to the kind of guy who said forbearance.

"What's the rush? I haven't finished my practice yet." Li Yaodao's eyes were still closed, and his voice calmly said, "Let's let someone smash it first. When I get out, that person's mouth will be hot!"

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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