"Don't tell me it's useless, I'll just ask you, is the cultivator here a guy named Li Yaodao?"

Yanyue turned around and looked at Guo Aoxue and the others, her voice was cold, without any kind of polite meaning, instead she was questioning.

Upon seeing this, Guo Aoxue and Bai Shao looked at each other, and as the followers of the woman behind him, they did not dare to breathe.

Who doesn't know Yanyue's name in the Nuclear Academy?

In the next moment, Guo Aoxue's pretty face changed slightly. Although she did not have the reputation and tyrannical strength of Yanyue, she was not comparable to ordinary genius students. It was a little bit embarrassing to be touched like this.

Bai Shao glanced at Guo Aoxue, who he likes next to him, and his face has changed. He gritted his teeth, or took a step forward, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Senior Yanyue, we have no dispute, why treat us like this?"

When Guo Aoxue saw someone standing up for him, this slightly ugly expression eased a bit, as if seeing a life-saving straw, she subconsciously hid behind Bai Shao.

Hearing this, Yanyue glanced at Bai Shao lightly, and Guo Aoxue behind him smiled disdainfully.

"Baishao, you can be considered a younger genius of the Yaozu anyway, speaking so without going through the brain?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people looked at each other. They were indeed the little witches of the Nuclear Academy. They would dare to say anything, and would not care about others' opinions.

Bai Shao heard that his facial muscles trembled, but still clasped his fists and said solemnly, "Senior Yanyue, what does this mean?"

I saw Yanyue slamming the long whip behind her back, forming a series of irresistible huge ripples in the space. The purple spiritual power impact spread to all sides, hitting the space hard, forming violent ripples and spreading.

Seeing that the purple-haired girl directly revealed the treasure, whether it was Bai Shao or Guo Aoxue, her expression was shocked.

They did not expect that the other party had a tendency to do it.

"If it wasn't because we didn't have a dispute over the festival, do you think I would have so much with you?" Yanyue glanced at each other disdainfully, and said lightly: "Get out!"

"You!" Guo Aoxue was scolded in public, her pretty face changed directly, she secretly gritted her teeth, her small fist clenched tightly.

Bai Shao's expression also changed drastically when he heard this. Although he wanted to protect Guo Aoxue, but the other party came from the top of the list, and he couldn't provoke him at all, and he was in a dilemma.

Yanyue drew the void again, as if he was warning the other side, and said lightly: "If it wasn't because we didn't have a dispute, now you can still stand and talk to us? Get out!"

"If you are not convinced, then wait for the nuclear academy's top ranking battle to compete."

Yanyue's words, in the eyes of outsiders, really belonged to the kind of people who didn't leave a way to survive, and many people who stopped and watched in the distance saw them secretly sighing.

The original strong side, Guo Aoxue and Baishao, had fallen into an absolute disadvantage because of Yanyue's appearance.

After all, Yanyue's strength lies here, and all the people present are on the same place, and they are not enough for others to see.

Guo Aoxue’s expression trembled. Although she hated this guy who executed her in public, she knew the consequences of the provocation. She nodded slightly, resisted the anger in her heart, and smiled and said: "Good sister Yanyue, we go!"

Hundreds saw that the person I liked was not impulsive, and my heart was slightly relieved. They followed one after another, and everyone left in a desperate manner...

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