"Ding! Host, please don't get angry, this is not such an emergency, I will let you relax."

"Relax! Relax! I almost made fun of you because of your northeastern taste."

Hearing the evolution system, Li Yaodao couldn't help but roll his eyes, and his four pitch-black scaly wings vibrated wildly. Under the system prompt, he dodged the forest white branches used in all directions.

Because of the dramatic increase in speed and the combination of actual combat experience, Li Yaodao, with the help of the system, faced a large number of entangled forest white branches, like a fish in water, without much effort at all, so he rushed out. Encircle the circle.

Seeing that the target I was trying to capture was so difficult to capture, the Jingling Tree also had a temper. I saw it constantly swaying the white tree. The tree's body was instantly huge, and the thicker and stronger branches spread.

In an instant, a huge and incomparably large net of white branches of the forest unfolded. Seeing the frenzied trend, it is bound to want to imprison Li Yaodao in it!

call out!

However, Li Yaodao was very vigorous, and the flying figure swept through the lake, and immediately broke through before the formation of the big network of branches.

"Li Yaodao! Stop for me! You can't run away!" Yanyue chased her in the rear, not to mention that she only has two spirit wings, but she is the pinnacle of Shenyou, a full order higher than Li Yaodao. In terms of speed, he is not weaker than the opponent.

Chi Chi!

Seeing Li Yaodao quickly break through, Jing Lingshu instantly turned its spear to Yanyue, who was chasing after him fiercely. The huge white branches of the forest wanted to force Yanyue to be imprisoned.

If you can't catch the Li Yaodao with system assistance, you can only catch another Yanyue, otherwise the two are not in the Heavenly Transcendent realm, but neither can be caught. This will let the future face of the Jinglingshu, where to put it?

Yanyue, who was desperately hunting down, suddenly felt that the surrounding sky was a little darker. Because he concentrated on chasing Li Yaodao, he ignored the attack from the Jingling Tree that suddenly enveloped the imprisonment below.

She saw her pretty face fluttering, and the two violent purple spirit wings behind her suddenly vibrated, and the sound of breaking wind that stunned the sky suddenly came out, no matter the speed or impact, it was extremely terrifying and powerful.

Yanyue didn't seem to take Li Yaodao's evasion route, but just rushed in a straight line, loving who and who in his eyes, the rhythm of smashing a whip!

Chi Chi!

In the next moment, the two pure spirit trees grew huge in an instant, and the white branches of the forest that covered the sky and the sun formed a huge net of trees. When shrouded from the sky, it was not used to Yanyue at all, and directly used the most arrogant way to destroy the girl. Shrouded in.

"Get away!" Seeing the momentum, Yanyue saw the huge net of trees that had been imprisoned all around him, and the purple whip in his hand slammed away, violently smashing the white branches of the forest close to him, instantly breaking it apart .

Now Yanyue's aura is to give people a kind of brazen aura of blocking and killing Buddha, a posture that no one can do well.

Below, Luo Tong increased the strength of the seal, and continuously transferred his power to the Jingling Tree. After receiving the power, the latter was about to be hit by the fierce Yanyue to a gap after seeing the area he wanted to block. Many branches swarmed and sealed it.

In an instant, a huge forest white tree branch net appeared in the air, and Li Yaodao stopped in the air, seeing Yanyue who was imprisoned in, and he was slightly relieved.

However, the next second, Li Yaodao, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly widened his eyes...

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