"Ding! Host, this system scanned the surroundings of the route just now and found that the woman who was chasing you had gone deep into the Forbidden Forest. It is probably dead by now."

Upon hearing this, Li Yaodao widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Yanyue didn't leave?"

This is terrible. Although he knew that the other party was chasing him, he knew that it was a misunderstanding. As long as he explained it clearly, or apologized, he could avoid it.

If Li Yaodao wanted to kill Yanyue, he didn't need to flee so much. Now it seems that the situation is going in a very bad direction.

"Ding! Yes, judging by the fluctuations, she is still inside, the possibility of death is very high!"

call out!

In the next second, Li Yaodao said nothing, and the four black wings vibrated wildly, rushing into the sea of ​​forbidden forest trees again...

He found that Li Yaodao went straight into the forbidden forest again, and the evolution system was also very incomprehensible. He couldn't help but ask: "Ding! Why do you want to go back and die, host?"

"Shit looking for death, I'm going to save someone!" Li Yaodao rolled his eyes and found that the other party was even more straight than himself.

"Ding! I really don't understand the host's thoughts. That guy wanted to kill you before. According to your personality, you should be longing for the other person to die. Why do you want to save it?"

It's no wonder that the evolution system is puzzled. It can only be studied based on Li Yaodao's past and cannot make a correct judgment.

Li Yaodao, who flew wildly, faced the violent and overwhelming wind that gradually roared in. He looked around and saw that the blue sky gradually became dim. Although he just said he didn't want to come again, Yanyue was still inside!

"This is different. Yanyue and I are just a misunderstanding. As long as the explanation is cleared, it will be fine, and this time is also my cause. If I die and cannot save, then it is really no different from someone like Jie Hu Fa. !"

Li Yaodao flew quickly, explaining, and shouting: "The system, customized according to the route we rushed out just now, scans me for the breath of Yanyue along the way, I have to find it!"

"Ding! The host is scanning the movement within a radius of ten miles, please follow the route customized by the system!"

In an instant, there was a trace of light flashing in Li Yaodao's dark eyes.

It was a field of vision that could be called a night vision device, in this dim world, constantly passing on various images to himself.

With the continuous deepening of the forbidden forest, the sky will only become darker and darker, and the pitch black 1 forest tree sea below also becomes darker and deeper, and the blackness makes the back chill.

The feeling of being abandoned by the world, as Li Yaodao continued to deepen, it once again became more and more dense.

"Damn, don't die. Even if you want to beat me, you have to live." Li Yaodao kept scanning the surroundings. He has been searching for a full hour, and he is still digging into this endless dark forest tree. Above the sea.

Feeling the constant suppression of the majestic power in the dark sky, Li Yaodao had to fall into the sea of ​​trees again.

Entering the interior of the forbidden forest, Li Yaodao said nothing this time, and the palms of both hands were condensed, and the hot golden dragon flame roared out.

"Damn, why did you come to the Forbidden Forest, kid?"

The summoned golden dragon flame turned into a shining golden dragon, in sharp contrast with the surrounding dark scenes, just like the brightest star in the night sky.

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