Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 775: Golden light of hope

Seeing many mad blood spiders coming in front, the breaking out Yanyue shell teeth clenched, and her eyes were full of killing intent and stubbornness. The purple light vortex rushed out from the palm of her left hand, and immediately under the shout of the girl, she was fierce. Threw it out.

"Big Demon Soul Palm!"

The fierce light of Ziru instantly presented a huge handprint in the whirlpool. The purple handprint was filled with waves of power similar to the dark monster, but it was even stronger. In the fierce hurricane, the palmprint was photographed outrageously.

Puff puff...

I saw the group of mad blood spiders who were not afraid of death, one by one, like a balloon, burst into pieces in an instant, and the smelly dark blood was scattered like a goddess flower.

Ignoring the smell of dark blood dripping on her clothes, Yanyue's movements did not stop in the slightest. Taking advantage of the chaos, she suddenly waved the purple whip, and the phantom of the Snake Emperor condensed and emerged behind her.

"The Emperor Yan is punished!"

Bang bang bang...

The figure of Yanyue swiftly shuttled among the many slaughtered monsters, wielding the purple long whip in his hand, and the snake head of the whip-headed snake emperor revealed the snake's letter. The snake's eyes were full of fierceness, and the whip lashed through the sky!

Along the way, many mad blood spiders rushing up to tear Yanyue into pieces, don't attack the whip shadow one after another, and let them fly away. Some are unlucky, even being split into two by the whip.

Regardless of the treasure of the purple long whip in Yanyue's hand, it looks like a whip, but the side of this whip is full of sharp and sharp blades, very small, hard to detect with the naked eye, and can easily break through this group of mad blood The spider's defense, divide it!

This is why the evolution system reminded his host when Li Yaodao was fighting Yanyue.

The vast majority of Yanyue's combat effectiveness lies in this defense-breaking advantage.

Although she is a half-step through the sky level, she can rely on her talent to break defenses with her own treasure, and can even make the strong at the sky level suffer a loss!

call out!

All the mad blood spiders that had come from the surrounding area were repelled and killed. Yanyue's body was already stained with a lot of black blood from the opponent at this moment, but her breath became more and more vain.

Because this is a taboo forest, a world abandoned by the deserted ancient continent, free spirits have become "luxuries" here, and it is difficult to supplement them.

In the current Yanyue, every time he strikes, the spiritual power in his body will be consumed more. As time passes, Yanyue who breaks through like a headless fly, feels that he is still spinning in place, and the despair in his heart can be imagined. know.

In the darkness, the demon spider with dense gray eyes was quietly watching Yanyue who was madly breaking through. It didn't mean to be impatient, but was waiting quietly, waiting for an opportunity.


In the process of breaking through, the visibility around him was too low. Yanyue, who broke through the undecided route, was accidentally hit by a branch that appeared suddenly, the fighting rhythm was interrupted, and Qianying fell to the ground.

She stood up quickly, holding a purple long whip, and seeing the many monsters slowly surrounded by the tree pole ten meters away, her heart was awe-inspiring.

"My old lady is dead, and I have to pull on all of your ugly **** guys." Yanyue seemed to have exhausted all her strength, shouting, the Snake Emperor's long whip in her hand continued to slap the void, forming violent ripples. Keep the mad blood spiders away.


At this moment, Yanyue, who was weak in his body, looked far ahead in his spiritual eyes, and saw a golden trace of light like hope falling from the sky in the darkness!

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