"This can only restore your strength for a while, Senior Sister, but you can't continue the fight. I will take you to break through for a while."

Li Yaodao subconsciously blocked the figure in front of Yanyue, holding the sword and staring at the surrounding monsters that were afraid to approach because of the power of the virtual dragon swallowing flames, and said in a deep voice: "If you use your spiritual power now, the consumption will only increase. Come bigger!"

That's right, in this **** forbidden forest, spiritual power seemed to be naturally rejected here. When he rushed in just now, the ten life pill in his hand was half gone, so now it must be saved.

Hearing that, Yanyue, who didn't know the reason, frowned Liu Mei and hummed: "Do you think I am a vase? I am the pinnacle of mystery, half-step through the sky, you, the pinnacle of heaven, dare to look down on me like this? "

"It's not that I look down on you, my grandmother." Li Yaodao concealed his face and smiled bitterly: "I don't have much medicine in my hand. It's only enough for me to take you to break through. If we both break through with all our strength, we won't be able to break through the taboo. Of the forest."

"Where we are now, we are already very deep into this **** area!"

Indeed, as Li Yaodao said, the position of the two of them now is comparable to the deep area of ​​the forbidden forest, because here even the sun's rays cannot shine in, and the sky is dark.

You know, the time in the deserted ancient continent now is daytime!

You can imagine how dark it is even where the sun’s rays cannot shine.

Yanyue curled her lips when she heard this. Although she was extremely strong inside, she was indeed a strong woman, but in such a terrifying and desperate situation, the girl's inner timidity was still unavoidable. She subconsciously listened to Li Yaodao. if.

"Okay, then I'll just follow you! If someone interferes with you along the way, I will help you clear it!"

"It's so good, Senior Sister Yanyue..."

"Call me Yanyue, you call me old!"

"it is good..."

Secretly helpless Li Yaodao, at this moment, has already made a breakthrough posture with his sword, because the protective barrier of the Xulong Tunyan consumes his own soul power, and there is no filling of any external power here, only saving.

call out!

The barrier of the virtual dragon swallowing flames gradually disappeared, and finally reattached to the blade of the sky cloud. The extremely hot golden blade could burn all the surrounding air.

Chi Chi!

I saw that many mad blood spiders felt weak and threatened by the spirit fire, and then rushed away, while the wandering peak magic spider that was watching from a distance was motionless, without any expression or action.

"Yanyue, you are behind me, you can only save your spiritual power to expel the monsters on both sides, I come to clear the way in front, they are afraid of spiritual fire!" Li Yaodao shouted.

Yanyue was also ready to fight, nodded earnestly, and said, "Okay, I know!"


Accompanied by the shout, Li Yaodao swung his sword and rushed out. The golden flames spurred by violent spiritual power and soul power burst out at the same time, and his figure swept forward like a bullet.

Along the way, all the mad blood spiders who dared to slaughter them were all sky clouds with spirit fire attached, cut to ashes!

Seeing that Li Yaodao's offensive was so swift and violent, and that it was not like the combat experience of a young man, Yanyue also quietly looked behind him after this time.

She suddenly discovered that the Demon Clan boy who was leading her to break through in front of her really made people feel safe.

This kind of feeling, Yanyue only felt by his brother...

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