"Follow up, I'm going to do my best to help me protect the law for ten seconds!" Li Yaodao knew that he couldn't procrastinate any more, and now he was in a more dangerous situation, he could only make a decisive decision!

I saw Li Yaodao suddenly stopped in place, looking around, Tian Congyun retracted his body, palms of his hands were facing upwards, and slowly raised.


With two spirit fires, one gold and one purple, roaring in the palm of his palm, the youth's face was golden and purple, and the fierce waves of fiery heat and coldness spread around like a galloping horse, and filled it.

"I have a spiritual skill, it takes ten seconds, you help me protect the law!"

After Li Yaodao finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stood on the spot, with two spirit fires standing fiercely in the palms of his hands, without any fearful fluctuations because this is a forbidden forest.

On the contrary, the virtual dragon swallowing flames and the ancient ghost fire burned more vigorously and majesticly, and the monsters slaughtered around were also temporarily hesitated to attack because of the sudden appearance of the two heaven and earth spiritual fires.

They are the opposite of the natural light. The dark monster fears the spiritual fire the most, so in the process of the young man's fusion of the spiritual fire, even if this group of guys has a stronger monster command behind the scenes, there is some hesitation.

This is not because these monsters are suddenly greedy for life and fear of death, but because this is suppression that has existed since ancient times!

To put it bluntly, Linghuo Tianke monsters, just like the forbidden forest, there can be no sun, the same reason!

Facing Li Yaodao who suddenly began to merge spirit fire, Yanyue looked at him with a pretty face in surprise. Although she did not understand this, she was not an alchemist, but looking at the young man’s technique and the fierce waves of the heaven and earth spirit fire, She has a lingering sense of urgency.

Although Yanyue was surprised by Li Yaodao's two spirit fire cards, she still obeyed the other party's previous instructions. Within ten seconds, all the mad blood spiders that came up were slaughtered one by one by the Yan Snake Emperor's whip. Retreat.

Now Yanyue is also an obedient student. She will no longer rashly use a stronger force to kill this group of monsters, because she knows in her heart that if she kills one, she will pop out the second one again, endlessly.

This can also save a lot of spiritual power, because the number is simply an advantage from heaven for the monsters!

For some reason, when Yanyue was repelling many culled monsters, when she felt the two spirit fires that Li Yaodao's hands slowly merged, she also felt an uncontrollable sense of fear in her body.

"Could it be that his spiritual fire can suppress my sealing power?"

Yanyue suddenly felt that as long as the Li Yaodao was by her side, the power of the cold forest that had almost lifted the seal because of despair was instantly gone, and there would never be any tendency to rebound.

However, Yanyue is also Bingxue smart, so she naturally understands that Li Yaodao has no ability to shock the seal power in her body, but the two spiritual fires in his hand that can burn everything in the world!

Ten seconds, for ordinary people, just a few words will pass, but for the strong, especially in this situation, in the short ten seconds to protect the law, Yanyue has already taken the flight. How many waves of monster attacks!


With the fusion of the two spirit fires, Li Yaodao suddenly opened his eyes, a gold and a purple pupils of different colors reappeared. Above the sky, the eight formations of Tai Chi, which hadn't appeared in a long time, were like the sun in this extremely dark world. , Huo Ran appeared!

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