
Just when Yanyue was a little bit wildly thinking, Li Yaodao suddenly sneezed, pulling the girl's thoughts back.

I saw Li Yaodao suddenly curled up inexplicably, as if feeling a little cold, his eyes closed, his brows furrowed, his hands wrapped around his arms, his body shivering subconsciously.

Yanyue leaned close to the young man and reached out to hold Li Yaodao's hand, but as soon as she touched the young man's hand, she shrank back like an electric shock, her eyebrows frowned.

"Good ice..."

Yanyue was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly hugged the boy's body gently and put it on the simple mattress.

"Could it be that the toxicity has started? No, his physical condition is very stable, but some are too weak..." Yanyue held Li Yaodao's two hands with both hands, and wanted to rely on the temperature of her little hands to warm him. The other's hand.

However, all this is somewhat of no avail. Li Yaodao, whose eyes are closed, seems to be in a state of fighting the virus. His face is dark and his face is also very cold.

"This... what should I do?" Yanyue also felt anxious when she saw it. Now they are in a forbidden forest that resembles a desperate situation, without support and no light.

If Li Yaodao has three strengths and two shortcomings, she doesn't even know how to face the danger outside...

Although Yanyue is strong and strong enough, she is a girl after all, especially as she is currently in the depths of the forbidden forest like a desperate situation. She knows that she has a high chance of death, and she is already very good without a mental explosion.

Many ignorant cultivators who have visited the forbidden forest are basically surrounded by monsters and led to various depths, then besieged, and eventually eaten away step by step.

If you put it on a general cultivator, you know that you have a high probability of death, plus you can hardly escape, it is very likely that your mentality will explode and you will eventually commit suicide.

Watching Li Yaodao slightly curled up and lying on the mattress, Yanyue looked at the young man's frowning Junyi face, she gently pulled the mattress toward the campfire.

Although the flame was closer, Li Yaodao's situation seemed to improve, but it was not completely.

He still looked very "cold" and seemed to freeze to death at any time.

"What can I do?" Yanyue Dai's eyebrows frowned. She felt Li Yaodao's body situation all the time. She knew that the young man was indeed in no danger of life, but she couldn't bear to see the other party being so tortured because of toxins.

Yanyue looked around, trying to get up to fill the bonfire a little bit bigger, but when she was about to get up, she found that her little hand was being held tightly by a big cold hand.

Li Yaodao's lips and teeth moved slightly, and he whispered softly, but he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes, but subconsciously held Yanyue's soft little hand, without any intention of letting go.

"I...I'll go to light you up."

Yan Yueqiao blushed slightly. Apart from her own relatives, this was the first time that an outsider approached her at such a close distance. She also held her hand. For a while, the girl also had a special throbbing.

However, Li Yaodao, who was asleep, didn't know what he was doing. He stretched his arm and pulled Yanyue, who had originally wanted to get up, directly.

Under a pleasant exclamation, Yanyue did not sit still and was pulled down directly, and she fell directly in front of Li Yaodao. The distance between the two was very close. It seemed that you could feel the breath and rhythm between the breath...

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