Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 812: The basement of endless corpses

"Alien demon?"

Hearing this brand new term, Li Yaodao also looked stunned, and couldn't help but ask carefully, and said: "This strange demon, is it related to the current Demon Temple in the Desolate Ancient Continent?"

"Hehehe, although the Demon Temple and the different demons are at the same time, they are not qualified to be compared with the different demons." Xulong Tunyan smiled strangely in his body, and said one after another: "Since the gods collectively left this world At that time, the alien demon was born in Hengkeng."

"Furthermore, this taboo forest is the noumenon world created by the only alien god, the only remaining alien god!"

"Furthermore, the strongest Demon Wheeler in the Demon Temple at that time, in the eyes of the Alien Demon God, was a small Salami, not even an ant."

The more Li Yaodao listened to it, the more mysterious he felt, and he felt that the world was too crazy. In this era, the Demon Temple definitely belongs to the kind of existence that is extremely daunting. However, in the mouth of Xulong Tunyan, it seems that it is the same.. .

"Boy, that's why, I would be so surprised when I discovered that you entered the Forbidden Forest. This is especially the nest of the alien monsters. The spiders just now are the products of alien monsters, monsters!"

Xulong Tunyan's voice seemed to be teasing, and it seemed to be angry.

"You said, those so-called monsters are not alien monsters?" Li Yaodao widened his eyes in surprise and couldn't help asking inwardly.

The Xulong Tunyan tweeted his mouth, and said in a tone of wishing God bless you, "They are not qualified to be alien monsters. To become alien monsters, it takes difficult conditions. They all live in the most The edge of darkness."

"Moreover, the figures on these walls are alien demons. Although they are indistinguishable from humans, they have no human vitality, let alone spiritual power and soul power."

"They are aliens in this world, relying on the most vicious power to transform the barren ancient continent into their monster back garden."

"And this ritual is the ruins left by this group of strange demons to revive the first strange **** of the ancient times. It is estimated that it is now dilapidated. There should be nothing useful in it..."

Li Yaodao shrugged and didn't say much about this. Since he came into this world, everything has been crazy. Now it is Xulong Tunyan who tells himself that there is also a different demon **** inside.

He shouldn't be surprised at all!

Accompanied by another few minutes of walking, the two finally arrived in a special underground hall, which was still extremely dark, but Li Yaodao was illuminated by red flames, and the moment the scene appeared.

Both he and Yanyue stared blankly at this moment.

The corpses, the white bones, there is nothing else in the huge dark underground space, all are all kinds of corpse bones, and after so many years, countless years have accumulated, there is no sign of old age.

On the contrary, the piles of all kinds of white bones in the woods turned out to be very novel. Some, like bones that had only recently been turned into death, exuded a faint glow.

"So many bones, such a closed basement, there is no peculiar smell... It's weird." Yanyue Liu Mei frowned.

Li Yaodao nodded slightly.

The feeling here is only the absolute gloom and horror, and there is a more dense and strange atmosphere...

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