
Accompanied by the culling of an army of spiders headed by two Devouring Demon Spiders, this huge group of monsters, in all directions, instantly cut off all the retreat of Yanyue, and wanted to drown them in a quantitative manner.

Seeing the situation, Yanyue did not panic at all, her pretty face condensed slightly, looking at the number of scalp-numbing monsters and the huge group of ugly spiders, she chose to trust Li Yaodao unconditionally and shouted: "Okay. No?!"


The next moment, as Yanyue's shout fell, two extreme forces suddenly rushed out of the ruins.

In an instant, over the decaying ruins, the Tai Chi Eight Formation that had appeared once before, suddenly appeared under the horrified gaze of two Devouring Demon Spiders...

Suddenly, above the sky, the bright purple-gold Tai Chi eight arrays suddenly appeared, suppressed above the sky, two array eyes lighted up, the virtual dragon swallowing flames and the ancient ghost fire two great heaven and earth spiritual fires turned into heaven and earth. Majestic killer.

The eight formations of Tai Chi, like a small sun, shone instantly around the decaying ruins, and a group of wild-blood spiders with a huge base were seen. At the moment when the eight formations of Tai Chi like a small purple sun appeared, they were annihilated one after another and turned into nothingness...

Chi Chi!

I saw a magnificent number of mad blood spiders, in the shroud of the extremely hot purple and gold light, they disappeared in an instant. The two Devouring Demon Spiders also couldn't stand such a roast, but they were obviously stronger than the mad blood spiders. , Can hold the spiritual fire shining.

But even so, these two Devouring Demon Spiders still show scars from being roasted. These two guys can only keep hiding among the mad blood spiders to avoid the damage caused by roasting and eat at every step. Both of them.

However, the group of mad blood spiders that could only be culled by orders were huge, but they didn't have time to bite Yanyue at all, and they couldn't even get within five meters of each other, and they disappeared instantly.

Yanyue stood in the center with the Snake Emperor treasure in his hand, watching the frenzied blood spider swarms that were crazily culled around him. Before he had time to get close to him, he instantly annihilated him, and his heart was also to the spirit skill of Li Yaodao, secretly stern.

"This guy... now he says he is the pinnacle of the sacred journey, and my old lady believes..." Yanyue darkly moved her throat and felt the extremely hot eight formations of Tai Chi in the sky above her head. Unspeakable coercion.

She can even confidently believe that if the eight formations of Tai Chi released by Li Yaodao fall on her, she might be wiped out in an instant...

Seeing that the time was right, Li Yaodao slowly walked out of the gate of the relic, holding one arm high, he gradually came to Yanyue's side, holding his palm high to control the eight formations of Tai Chi in the sky, his expression condensed.

The purpose of lure the enemy to appear this time is to attract all the monsters including the Devouring Demon Spider, and then come to a pot!


The devouring spider felt the power of the spirit fire suppressed from the sky. The two of them knew the absolute suppression of the spirit fire on themselves, and finally began to fear in their hearts. They let go of their desire to hunt Li Yaodao and Yanyue, and fled one after another. .

"Hehe, I want to run now?" Li Yaodao controlled the Taiji Eight Formation, watching the two Devouring Spiders frantically fleeing among the many annihilated monsters, sneered, and immediately waved his hands cruelly.


I saw the eight formations of Tai Chi, accompanied by the majestic and majestic purple-gold rays of light, carrying the majestic momentum of the world, targeting two devouring demon spiders, and killing them...

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