Facing the very domineering voice of Long Erdie, the fascinating sunny temperament, and the character of daring to love and hate, God Yantian's face gradually became gloomy.

"Dragon Erdie! Do you dare to shout at my brother like that, you are looking for death!" Yanyue's temper was also instantaneous. She, who was not right with the other party, beat Yan Snake Emperor's whip for a few points in the air.

With the bursts of purple light marks spreading, the energy of the strange demons around them became thin and frightened.

"Yeah? Want to fight? Okay!" Long Erdie also sneered holding the hilt of the golden giant sword, the blade was inserted into the ground, and my hands were on the hilt. The sky changes in color.

The golden light traces of spiritual power gradually diffused around the dragon and two butterflies, invincible by the power of the powerful who existed like a king.

"Anyway, before the nuclear academy ranking battle, there is still some time, I want to see if the Snake Emperor in your hand has evolved, or the dragon butterfly in my hand can't hold it?" Long Erdie sneered.

At the same time, Long Yiwu had already prepared for battle, and her silver hair was swaying in the dark wind, standing like an unshakable Valkyrie in this incomparably dark world.

Seeing that the situation has become somewhat uncontrollable, God Yantian narrowed his eyes slightly. He glanced at Li Yaodao coldly, and then fell on Long Yiwu's beautiful face again, nodding slightly.

The Zijian wide knife was held in his hand, without saying anything, Yantian God was also ready to fight.

Obviously, in front of the person he likes, and between his own sister, Yan Tianshen chose the latter, choosing a family relationship with his own blood thicker than water!

"I'm sorry, brother, because of me, your relationship with Long Yiwu may be a step further..." Yanyue whispered, with a bit of self-blame in her heart.

I saw Yan Tianshen shook his head slightly, then rubbed the girl's head and said, "It's okay, there are so many good girls in the world, but there is only one younger sister!"

Hearing these words, Yanyue's teeth clenched her teeth tightly. She has been excluded from the group since she was a child. Only Yantian God is always protecting herself, loving herself, and loving herself.

For her, Yantian is like a brother and a father, and she is the most important relative in her life journey, not one of them!

Seeing such a posture, Li Yaodao suddenly felt a numb scalp. He knew that he had to do something, otherwise, he would really have to fight.

Obviously it was caused by a small misunderstanding, but now it has reached this point, it should not be true!

I saw Li Yaodao slowly stepping forward, stepping out of the protection of Long Yiwu and Long Erdie, and immediately before the two girls stared in surprise, still walking forward.

He motioned to the second woman to put the treasure away first and move on.

"Brother Dao?" Long Yiwu was stunned when she saw the pretty face, and subconsciously put away the treasure, couldn't help but stop the opponent and said, "What are you going to do?"

Long Erdie also looked at the young man with a bewildered look, and couldn't understand what the other party was doing, but she didn't put away the treasure like Long Yiwu did, but still held the dragon butterfly giant sword in her hand.

Seeing the young man stepping forward, Yanyue's previous angry expression was also quietly signaled by the young man's eyes and retracted Yan Snake Emperor.

When Yan Tianshen saw this, his voice was calm, but he couldn't hear the palpitating coldness, and said: "Hmph, I thought you would always hide behind a woman, you can come out, you are still a man."

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