Facing the strangeness of Li Yaodao, Long Yiwu and Long Erdie both cast their gazes, and their gazes flashed with a bit of surprise.

"Brother Dao?" Long Yiwu looked back at Li Yaodao, with a trace of doubt on her pretty face.

God Yantian saw that his sister also looked back at Li Yaodao, frowned slightly, but didn't say much, but when he felt the huge crater appearing in the scorched earth in the distance, he seemed to really want to shake , His eyes flashed immediately.

At that time, Li Yaodao was holding Tian Congyun and looking into the pit in front of him, his face slightly condensed, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Quit!"


Following Li Yaodao's violent shout, he saw a huge scorched earth pit, and saw bursts of mud bursting out, like a huge black mud wave, sweeping across the square.

Seeing the situation, everyone's complexion changed slightly, Long Erdie made a decisive decision, golden light emerged in the slender hands, holding on the hilt of the bright dragon and butterfly treasure, the giant sword mad wolf golden spiritual power waves surged out, With the momentum of overwhelming mountains, cut to the huge waves of black mud that erupted in the scorched earth pit!

"Dragon Butterfly, Broken Wave Sword!"

With a soft drink from Long Erdie, the swords in both hands swept out, the treasure of Longdie giant sword exudes a bright and sharp light, the scar of the golden long sword cut through the sky, and the huge black mud wave burst out in front. Split it with a sword.

Seeing such a simple, but irresistible Golden Light Broken Wave Great Sword, Li Yaodao's throat was slightly condensed, and he realized that he was really fortunate to face the waves with Long Erdie for the first time.

If at that time in the nuclear academy selection battle, he didn't directly use Huang Yantian's anger to resist, but used other spiritual skills, basically it would be cool.

Because the dragon butterfly in the hands of the dragon two butterfly, the combat power can be described as very explosive, there is no problem in killing the strong at the same level!

The black mud bursting out from the sky like a celestial flower scattered down the sky, but the scorched earth contaminated by the black mud has a strange occurrence that everyone can't expect.

That was the moment when the originally fierce black mud wave was cut by the golden sword light mark, the black mud bursting out and falling on the earth, in the scorched earth within a radius of tens of miles. Where the black mud was contaminated, black plants began to grow wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Like a butterfly effect, I saw a patchwork of incomparable black flora, like a wildfire burning endless spring breeze, spreading and growing crazily, being filled with black mud nutrients.

In a blink of an eye, everyone around them has gradually been surrounded by pitch-black weeds!

Li Yaodao stared at the surroundings and frowned. He found that not only was the dark black grass surging and growing around him, but even the many dark trees that had been wiped out by his emperor Yantian's fury began to be visible to the naked eye. , Growing wildly.

Seeing the incomparably dark forest tree sea, the trend of gradually spreading and growing has become more and more uncontrollable. Everything is due to the black mud that suddenly spewed out of the scorched earth pit before.

Seeing all around, in a blink of an eye surrounded by a sea of ​​extremely dark forest trees, I saw that the huge pit that spewed black mud just now has also disappeared, and everything seems to be restored to the original.

Long Yiwu released the scarlet sword treasure again. With the treasure vibrating, the girl suddenly turned around, looked under the dark sky in the distance, and shouted: "Behind!"

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