When Li Yaodao's thoughts moved, the virtual dragon Tunyan, which was previously attached to the treasures of God Yantian and Dragon Erdie, ordered them to return to his body.

After all, this ancient Dao monster that looked like a stumbling block had been destroyed by the spirit fire and could not be recovered, naturally it no longer needed the blessing of the spirit fire.

The consumption of spiritual fire is far more terrifying than imagined. If it were not for the reincarnation of Li Yaodao for many generations, the strength of soul power was geometrically times that of his peers, otherwise, he would not dare to use it so presumptuously.

Regardless of the young people present, they are all the pinnacles of the sacred journey, and even the existence that can break the wrist with the ordinary sky-passing realm powerhouse, but if they don’t have Li Yaodao’s spirit fire support today, no one can deal with the ancient monsters. hurt.

This is the suppression of the rules of hierarchy in the ancient continent. Unless something of Tianke appears, it is almost impossible for a class to leapfrog and kill!

Except for Li Yaodao, everyone present was very clear in their hearts. Today, if there is no spirit and fire from the former, this ancient monster wants to keep them. You can’t say 100% stay, but kill one. Up to two persons, it is still possible.

After all, no matter how cumbersome the Daogu monster is, it is very easy to kill a person with all its heart!

God Yantian retracted the Shadowless Sword and looked at the black mud body of the ancient Dao monster that had not been beaten. He turned to look at others and said, "If this guy is not accidental, it is no different from death. We still have to break through, Yanyue!"

Seeing that the **** Yantian was the first to shuttle through many dark ancient trees, Yanyue followed closely, and the three of Li Yaodao looked at each other, and also calmly evacuated in the same direction.

"Flying is still not allowed in the area we are currently in, but in about ten minutes, we can reach the edge of the forbidden air zone, and then we can fly directly back to Henggu Academy."

Li Yaodao looked ahead, directed at the girls on both sides of him, quickly shuttled between the dark trees, smiling.

Hearing this, Long Erdie, who followed closely, glanced at the young man in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "How can you know so clearly? After I came in, I couldn't tell the direction. ."

Although Long Yiwu didn't speak, her gaze also fell on the Li Yaodao who shuttled by her side, and her bright eyes flashed a little questioning.

Li Yaodao touched his nose and grinned: "Before I came here, I made marks that you can't see on the road. This is the unique style of the Yao clan, which is similar to a pledge of sovereignty."

He certainly can't reveal that he has an evolution system like a plug-in, and even if he says it, he is just treated as a monster.

After all, people in this world don't know what a plug-in is, or a system!

Therefore, Li Yaodao could only fool around on the grounds that he was a monster clan.

The two women also nodded slightly when they heard this, they naturally did not understand too much deep-seated things about the demon clan, although the dragon clan had killed the demon for generations, it does not mean that they must understand the demon!

At the same time when everyone broke out, what everyone never expected was that God actually made a big joke for each of them.

Boom! Bang!

I saw the earth collapsed and shattered, and several dark and huge Dao ancient monsters appeared one after another from the ground, blocking everyone's path!

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