Super System: Limitless Evolution from a Snake

Chapter 857: The rewards mentioned before

God Yantian stepped forward and did not say much. Instead, he came to the edge of the mountain and said sideways: "Since the misunderstanding is gone, everyone is in no danger. It is a blessing in misfortune, Yue'er, we... "

However, before the word "go" was spoken, Yan Tianshen looked back at his sister in amazement, his face turned dark immediately.

Yanyue didn't seem to hear her brother's words, but came to Li Yaodao's side with her little hand on her back, and looked at each other seriously.

For some reason, looking at the handsome face shining in the sun, Yanyue realized that Li Yaodao was actually not a beautiful man, but her firm and deep black eyes matched the fair-skinned handsome face. On the face, there is a smell that gets more fragrant as you look at it.

As everyone's lady's daughter, Yanyue is considered to be countless men. She is stronger than Li Yaodao, and there are many people, but for some reason, she has a feeling that the more she looks, the more she wants to see.

The face of Li Yaodao definitely belongs to the type that looks more attractive and fragrant as you see it.

Seeing Yanyue looking at Li Yaodao so closely, Long Yiwu and Long Erdie standing aside, subconsciously glanced at each other, both pink eyes and golden eyes flashed with doubts.

Being so stared at by the girl, Li Yaodao was a little uncomfortable. He touched his face and couldn't help asking, "Is there something on my face?"

Yanyue, with her little hand on her back, gently shook her head, and immediately stood on her tiptoe under the startled gaze of others, and directly kissed the defenseless Li Yaodao's face.

Everything was like a dragonfly, and the speed was extremely fast. After Li Yaodao reacted, Yanyue still looked at herself with a small hand on her back, her magnificent face, her smile, her eyes curved into a cute crescent shape.

In this scene, let alone Li Yaodao's defenselessness, even the two sisters of the Long Family and Yantian God were caught off guard!

whispering sound!

Suddenly, Long Yiwu and Long Erdie, after seeing Yanyue suddenly doing something like this to Li Yaodao, they all acted together in an instant, that is, Dai's eyebrows frowned.

As expected of my dear sisters, in some things, they can be so unified and synchronized!

At the same time, Yan Tianshen stared at the young man in the long black windbreaker not far away. He also screamed in his heart. He was angry with himself as an older brother, as if he had never received such treatment.

Why is he an outsider?

"You are..." Li Yaodao was also taken aback by others. He couldn't help but touch his face. He felt the residual warmth left by the girl's thin lips. He didn't know what to say, his face was also slightly tinged. red.

Yanyue looked at the youth's face, there was some redness, she couldn't help but smiled, and immediately closed one eye, her pretty face was full of playful colors.

"I said, you saved me before, this is the reward I want to give you, quietly tell you, this is the first kiss..."


In the next second, the other three people watching the play unconsciously shook the treasure in their hands, even Long Erdie, who had already retracted the treasure, clenched his fists subconsciously.

Li Yaodao felt that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled politely, saying, "Oh...oh."

Do you care about this and tell me quietly? Conspiring loudly?

"Yue'er! We should go now!" Yantian God was forcibly suppressing the nameless fire at the moment, glanced at Li Yaodao coldly, and immediately reminded his sister.

I like the super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, please collect it: ( super system: from the little snake to infinite evolution, the literature update is the fastest.

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